Weekends are sacred in our home, a time for resting, relaxing, and restoring our bodies & souls. We take care of one another, just as much as we take care of ourselves. Sometimes that looks like tucking ourselves away, and sometimes it looks like yesterday did. Yesterday was a gorgeous, get outside, enjoy some fresh air & sunshine, get a little bit spoiled kind of day. Both are necessary. We visited our favorite fancy restaurant- the place where we were engaged- which has recently reopened with modifications to protect the health guests and staff. Then, we made our way down to the harbor to take in some fresh sea air and walk along the docks, daydreaming of owning a beautiful boat.
It was fascinating to observe the contrast of these two public spaces and how one place felt clean and safe, while the other felt quite the opposite. The wide open space of the harbor was packed with people clustered together, very few people wearing masks, and fewer still making an effort to give space to others. It felt hostile and entitled. I would be lying if I said this wasn’t disappointing to see, because no matter how many times I see selfishness on display, I am always hopeful that people will choose the higher way of caring for one another.
And- we are still living in a time when the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is still very much present, and doesn’t give a hoot about how long we’ve been quarantined or how much we would like to go get our hair and nails done or how much we miss hanging out with groups of friends or that we would just really like to go sit inside a fancy restaurant and be served.
So how do we treat ourselves in such unprecedented times as these? We make the choice of maintaining a positive mindset and take the responsibility of caring for our physical safety. Whenever my husband and I do go out in public, and it is a rare occasion- we wear our masks & practice safe social distancing- including only visiting places that honor the safety of others. Our personal safety matters, and we are collectively responsible for making the world a safer place for all.
It is not such a hard thing to do, quite honestly. We would rather be mildly inconvenienced by wearing a mask in public spaces and avoiding hugs from loved ones for a few more months, than to risk contracting the virus (something that I as a person who is very much immuno-compromised right now cannot afford to tempt Fate with) or passing it along unknowingly to someone else. Taking care of one another extends beyond our immediate family. For us, temporarily sacrificing some of our individual comforts is preferable when doing so means securing a safer environment for all in our community- especially for the most vulnerable.
Personal responsibility + compassionate consideration for others = safety for all.

Caring for my body & soul while helping others to do the same is a huge component of my Transformational Positivity work. Work With Me

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