TRANSFORMATIONAL POSITIVITY is a set of healing tools and positive practices used to form a framework for manifesting, experiencing, and supporting our Deep, Personal Transformation within these 4 key areas: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit. The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity represent the most important relationships of our human existence, with each one relating to and supporting one of the 4 key areas.
The 4 Pillars
Transformational Positivity is upheld by 4 distinct aspects that I like to refer to as pillars. These pillars represent our connections to Self, Community, Nature, and Spirituality. Each one is vital for our personal development and wellbeing. Let’s take a brief look at each individual pillar:
The First Pillar: WHOLE-SELF LOVE
The First Pillar: WHOLE-SELF LOVE [Key Area = Connection to Self] Who are you? How do you see yourself? How do you talk to and about yourself? What makes you YOU? Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? How well do you take care of yourself? How do you relate to the body you live in? Do you know, understand, realize, accept, see, believe in who and what you really are at the core of your being?

Most of us get so tripped up in this first key area that we waste years, decades, lifetimes focusing on all of the sh*t that doesn’t matter [i.e., the size/shape/color of our external packaging] while neglecting to gain an intimate understanding, appreciation, and genuine Love for who we are inside, aka The Real Us. And/Or, we have to unpack so many layers of bad programming and painful lived experiences that the idea of “Self Love” seems like a bridge too far.
- This is one of the first areas where many people meet me. Typically, they are looking for some Positivity tools & training to supplement the deeper healing work they are already doing with their therapist. I’m not a therapist, or a psychologist, or a psychiatrist so I am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical, mental, or emotional health issues. What I can do for my clients is provide additional support, spiritual guidance, and positive practices including affirmations, mantras, personal care strategies, etc. to help assist in strengthening your relationship to Self.
The Second Pillar: SERVING WITH JOY
The Second Pillar: SERVING WITH JOY [Key Area = Connection to Community] Which communities do you most identify with? What are some of the various roles you have played or are currently playing in your different communities? What do you need in order to feel like you are seen, heard, and a valued part of your community? How are you contributing? How are you receiving? Where are you serving with the most Joy?

“Community” includes all of the other humans we interact with outside of ourselves. Some of these relationships are knit closer to us than others- family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, colleagues. While other relationship threads are going to be much thinner and stretched over a greater distance, it is important to recognize that in the most basic sense we are all connected in some way. If we can understand that the First Pillar is about Who We Are, then we can recognize that the Second Pillar is about Why We Are Here.
- Whenever clients come to me looking for guidance in this area, it’s typically because they are struggling to find meaningful ways to connect their “Why” in ways that feel in alignment with Who they are and the people in their communities. They feel unfulfilled because their is no reciprocal Joy that they are experiencing. I help them to look for opportunities that they may be missing, shifts in mindset, perspective, and/or actions that they can take to create more positive connections in their various communities.
The Third Pillar: NATURAL HARMONY [Key Area = Connection to Nature] How do you most like to connect with Nature? Which of these natural settings makes you feel the most energized, relaxed, peaceful, or awestruck: Ocean, Mountains, Forest, Desert, Prairie? When was the last time you spent the night stargazing? Are you an animal lover? Tree-hugger? Aspiring gardener? Rock-hound and crystal wearer? Where is your nearest green space, and how often do you visit?

The modern era that we live in with its many conveniences and high-level technology has in many ways caused us to dramatically disconnect from the natural world. On a global scale, the push for more more more shows that we have all but abandoned our stewardship of the earth and instead are continuing to consume her vast and varied resources at an unsustainable rate, wreaking havoc on ecosystems, pushing fragile and necessary plants and animals to extinction. Life does not simply begin and end with us; we are part of something much more and we all share a responsibility for the health of our planet.
- When my clients are seeking help in this area, it’s typically because they have lost touch with ways to unplug from the daily grind. We are spending on average 1/3 of our lives- that’s like 90,000 hours of your life- at work, in an office (don’t read this article from Business Insider unless you want to be thoroughly depressed) plus all the time spent commuting to and from (more depressing stats from the Washington Post here) and it’s all leaving our daily connection to and harmony with the natural world as an afterthought, a luxury, or a “someday” dream. I help my clients to create simple ways to restore their connection to Nature.
The Fourth Pillar: EXPLORING YOUR DIVINITY [Key Area = Connecting with Spirit] What does your current connection to divinity look like? How does spirituality play out in your daily life? Where do you experience the Divine? Are you able to separate religion and doctrine from spiritual practices? If you could SEE your own Spirit, your life-force, your essence- how would you describe it? What does she/he/they look like? Do you know the guides and energies on your spiritual support team, your Spirit Council?

After all, we are so much more than just our physical flesh and blood, more than what we can see and touch;we are magnificent spiritual beings having a human experience.We ARE each an expression of divinity! This is especially powerful when you consider the positive characteristics commonly ascribed to the Divine, such as: love, joy, peace, creativity, transcendence, blessings, abundance, truth, eternal, holy, sacred, beauty, goodness, generosity, justice, mercy, powerful, liberation, sovereignty, knowledge, wisdom, healing, compassion, empathy.
- This is probably the most “woo woo” area that people find me to begin work together, and I FREAKING LOVE IT. This is the ultimate in healing energy. Connecting with Spirit allows us to have a deeper understanding of the divine traits within ourselves, so that we can embody and express them in our human experience. We get to do this today, in this lifetime- not just in some faraway afterlife. Whether it is connecting with and sharing messages from your Spirit Council during a Spiritual Clarity Reading, or helping you to create more positive connections with the divinity within and around you, this is some of my favorite work of all.
Why does Positivity matter?
Positivity improves our connections to self, to community, to nature, and to spirit. When any of these connections are weak, damaged, or removed we experience collapse in the relationship. Therefore, it is vital to the health of our relationship to each of these 4 key areas that we do the work of examining where we are at, where we want to be, and what if anything needs to change. For some of us, it means doing some deeper work of healing old wounds, rewriting our old narratives, and learning how to do Life in a whole new way- or even just a slightly different, more empowered, satisfyingly positive way.
Wherever you may be on your journey, whatever level of awakening you are in, you can find guidance and support from me that will help you to cultivate Positivity in any or all of these 4 key areas of connection. I have an incredible gift of being able to truly see YOU, and the way we begin our Transformational Positivity work together is through a Soul-Mirroring Session. This is a deep-look together in which we talk about where you are, what you want, and I will share what I see from a spiritual energy perspective. We will do a 4 Pillars assessment and create a plan for ways that you can begin to cultivate & integrate Positivity in the area(s) of your choosing. Schedule a Soul-Mirroring Session with me today and let’s get started!

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