Now, I understand that many people do not support the Women’s March, and that’s fine. I’m not going to shame anyone or call you disrespectful names. I honor your right to disagree or have a different opinion and I certainly don’t need to demean you.
But I do want to educate where necessary and clear up any misconceptions or misinformation about what this movement is all about. I want to be crystal clear about why I march.
Though many were marching in protest of Donald Trump, this was so, SO much bigger than that. For me, and those I marched with, this wasn’t a political demonstration, but a human rights declaration. We marched for human rights locally AND globally. We marched against patriarchy, against misogyny, against racism, against sexism, against tyranny, against homophobia, and against xenophobia.
We marched as strong and proud voices in defense of the rights of women and girls, as well as those for the LGBTQ community and people of color around the globe.
We marched FOR equality, respect, love, peace, science, education, freedom, religious liberty and racial diversity.
Today’s march marked an overwhelming sense of hope and faith in our ability to create a better world and work to fix what is still broken. It was a complex and beautiful demonstration of unity, not simply a protest. I couldn’t be more proud to have been part of this.
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