Blessing #23: I am Safe & Secure
I am Safe now.
Self-preservation is possibly our most basic instinct, as it is with all sentient life. When our sense of safety and security feels threatened, we can begin to unravel mentally, emotionally, and physically. We must create a life for ourselves that allows us to feel Safe and Secure, especially if we have experienced any type of trauma. We must not become paranoid, and not live sequestered away from humanity; no, we must be able to live openly, freely, peacefully, with confidence and strength.
When I was a younger woman, I lived in very dangerous and unhealthy environments where I spent too much time with people who did not help to provide a safe and secure life for me, or later- for my child. Though I was afraid, I knew there was a greater risk in staying- so we fled to safety. I would do anything necessary to protect my child, and eventually came to believe that I was also worth protecting.
Nearly 30 years have passed since those dark days. Even now, I sometimes must remind myself that I am Safe and Secure. I know now that nothing and no one can ever truly destroy the real me.
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” ~Albert Einstein
My body, though wonderful and amazing in it’s ability to heal and regenerate, is not designed to live forever. And that is OK, because I know that my body is only a temporary home for the ever-existing energy that comprises my innermost being. My body will someday die, but my energy will live on in a form that I have yet to recognize or comprehend.
Your faith narrative may name this energy as your soul, your spirit, your higher self, your essence, your life force, or something similar. It does not matter what you call it, or what I call it. It is simply what makes you you. And though our bodies do not exist in this current form forever, we can rest in the belief that the energy that animates them- the energy that is essentially US- is always safe, always secure.
For additional resources, or to purchase my eBook The Blessings Butterfly please check out my Resources page.
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