Blessing #22: I See Beauty All Around Me
If I look for Beauty in the obvious places, I will find it. If I look for Beauty in unconventional places, still I will find it.
There is Beauty in the natural world. There is Beauty in the human-made world. Life in all of its magnificent diversity has offered us more beauty than we can observe in one lifetime. The Universe and all that is within it, so vast and far beyond our limited comprehension, has offered us more beauty than we can observe in a thousand lifetimes. Yet so often we skip right past the most beautiful things, moments, and people in our lives and focus our attention on what needs to be fixed, cleaned, or corrected. When we do this, we miss the blessing of seeing the beauty all around us and appreciating it, acknowledging it, and connecting to it ever so briefly.
Today I will look for the Beauty all around me, and I will find it.

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