Blessing #16: I am Wise
“He who knows all the answers has not been asked all the questions.” ~Confucius
What is Wisdom? It is in knowing that I don’t know everything. It is in being open to and embracing change, instead of resisting it. It is in listening, not just hearing. It is in understanding, not just learning. It is in making mistakes and learning from them, not repeating them and expecting a different outcome.
“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” ~Marcel Proust
When knowledge, experience, and good judgement come together, wisdom is formed. We can share our knowledge, and we can communicate our experiences, but we cannot transfer our wisdom. It is a gift that we cultivate within ourselves over many years.
“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ~Aristotle
Fun Fact: When I wrote my book The Blessings Butterfly, I missed a typo on this very section. Totally published it. Just caught the mistake when I was preparing this blog entry! Old Me would have had a meltdown and berated myself for the mistake. Psh! Not anymore. It is so much more freeing to laugh it off and move on.
You are so much more than the sum of your experiences! Make mistakes, and make adjustments. You have already gained so much wisdom in the few short years that you have spent on the planet, and there is more to be gained each day. Trust what you have learned about yourself, and what you have learned about your world.
For additional resources, or to purchase my eBook The Blessings Butterfly please check out my Resources page.
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