Loves, up next in my series of gentle meditations for/prayers to my body, I have a word with Pain:
“Dear Pain, Thank You for teaching me to listen to my body. Please forgive me for ignoring you and trying to numb you away. I am listening now. I love you.”
Pain is just another wise teacher that we encounter throughout this Life. Often misunderstood, manipulated, feared, even hated- but ever valuable to our brief experience on this planet.
Take the time to follow your pain to its root, deep in the soul, and ask, “What would you have me learn? How can I help you heal?” The answers are profound and as unique and your fingerprints.
To receive a free audio recording of this meditation, please subscribe to my private email list.
Michelle Lewis (she/her/they) is the creator & founder of The Blessings Butterfly, a holistic coaching & energy healing practice that is teaching people to live a life that they love. She is a writer, speaker, energy witch/healer, and author of the Amazon bestselling positive affirmation books, The Blessings Butterfly and The Blessings Butterfly Companion Guide Having worked hard for decades to overcome severely traumatic events that began in her early childhood and repeated in painful, looping patterns well into her adult life, Michelle is passionate about using her gifts and wisdom in bringing hope and healing to millions. This is more than “mindset hacks” and “Pollyanna” positivity. Through the work of what she calls Transformational Positivity, Michelle helps her clients to get clear on where to shift their thoughts and actions, while dismantling the culture of toxic positivity.
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