Loves, do you struggle with pain and/or a lack of love for the body you are living in?
I have been studying the powerful and positive effects of self-love & self-acceptance for the past several years. One practice that has been so helpful to me is spending some time each day sending Love and Affirmations to my self, and the revealing & healing that takes place has been truly remarkable.
Here is a gentle meditation for/prayer to my body that I would like to share with you:
“Dear Body, Thank You for carrying me through this Life. Forgive me for bringing you to this place of pain. Let’s release all that is harming us. I love you.”
I will be sharing more of my gentle meditations with you in the coming days. I hope you find them helpful. They are not a collection of magic words, but instead they are powerful tools that can help you to reveal areas of your life where deeper healing can take place.
In my work as an Empowerment Coach, I am available to guide you in developing your own practice of Self-Love and Self-Care. The work We do together is deep, and will challenge you to reveal and release energetic blocks that are keeping you from living your best life.
You can schedule a free consultation with me just by clicking the button at the top of the page.
Peace & Blessings,
To receive a free audio recording of this meditation, please subscribe to my private email list.
#theblessingsbutterfly #empowermentcoach #gentlemeditations #prayerstomybody #forgiveness #release #selflove #selfcare

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