Start here if you missed Part 1 of this series.
It is always my goal to learn, to grow, to flourish and thrive in every way possible. That certainly includes spiritually, thus my ever-present desire to connect deeply with others on a spiritual level.
I want to take a closer look at some ways to experience a connection to Spirit that may seem unconventional. I’m talking about connecting spiritually with trees, plants, animals, mountains, oceans, rocks, stars, planets, angels, ancestors, and all manner of deities, not just the rock-stars of the major religions. I’m interested in going beyond the sacred texts, beyond the walls of the churches and synagogues and mosques and temples to step outside of power-over social structures and into the natural flow of supernatural, Divine energy. That is Freedom.
Especially for those of us who either grew up associated with, or who later in life adhered to specific/strict religious beliefs- this can be a challenging point of view; but I have learned that whenever I choose to adopt a more expansive view of Divinity is when I get to more genuinely explore and embrace the energies- the spirits– of Love, Truth, Life, Creation, Community, Healing, Joy, Peace, Freedom, and so much more.
For many people, experiencing Divinity (in whatever ways you understand God-Energy) happens whenever they are inside a traditional house of worship, whether they are in congregation singing and worshiping with others or visiting solo in private contemplation and prayer. That’s wonderful and can be absolutely beautiful!
However, it’s not true for everyone, especially if you have any negative associations or experiences with traditional, organized religion. The good news is that you don’t have to be tied to a religion or a building or a book to have a Divine connection.
Many folx I talk to feel their strongest and most spiritual connections when they are in more natural settings without the interference, stress or distractions of modern technology. Most often, people can sense this connection at the ocean or in the mountains. For others, it’s in the desert dunes under an endless starry-night sky, or in a tropical jungle with every conceivable color in the flora & fauna, or in a soft, quiet forest surrounded by thousand year old trees. I know people who can hear the trees speak to them. I know people who can feel the voices of the rocks. I know people who, like myself, can communicate directly with animals and plants. It’s not made up or drug induced; it’s mind-blowing to connect with the spiritual energy of one another, whether or not they look like you.
It’s important to recognize that there are many other places that are available to you to experience the presence of the Divine that are beautiful, powerful, supportive and transformative. Any place can become holy. Any practice can be made sacred. It is within your power to decide and determine where, when, and how you connect spiritually with Divinity and what feels most magnificent and profound to you.
Reflection Questions:
- If you could describe your own Divine Spirit, what does she/he/they/it look like?
2. What are some ways that you have found to connect more deeply with the Divine Spirit within yourself?
3. How are you connecting with the Divine Spirit in those around you?

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