Loves, I hope you will be blessed by my Mini Meditation for you! You can take this mindful break just about anywhere when you need to relieve some stressful emotions and find peace. Note: This first appeared back in July, but I think it can be a blessing to you again today. 💖🦋 Pause. Deep breath, slowly release. Assign a color, shape, or name to the feeling of anxiety that is stressing you out. Deep breath, slowly release. Do not judge this feeling, simply see it. Deep breath, slowly release. Visualize your anxious feeling next to a door. What does…
Did you know that you can use the powerful technique of visualization to create more positivity in your life? It’s a simple and easy to implement tool that can move you from default-thinking about “worst case scenario” and allow yourself the possibility of something better… something brighter… something more beautiful for yourself and your life (yes honey, you DO deserve good things). Try this exercise: picture yourself in a totally dreamy, once-in-a-lifetime scene. Imagine what it looks like, sounds like, smells like. Is it a job/career? Is it an exotic vacation? Is it accepting an award? See yourself as 100%…
Today, I invite you to shift your mindset to one that more readily welcomes abundance. This powerful mantra starts with a fun visualization practice: Begin to picture yourself on a golden path laid out before you. Surround your path with rich, vivid colors: flowers and trees, a lovely stream, beautiful birds singing, gorgeous rainbows in the sky. Engage all of your senses. Notice, there are no blocks or barriers along this path, it is simply open before you. Now feel a sense of peace & ease as you move along your path. Mantra: I welcome a life of abundance!
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