Carpe Diem = Seize the Day Today is what you have. Today! You have an amazing day in front of you, what will you do with it? How will you spend your precious time, who will you tell that you love them, how many people will be blessed by your smile? What challenges will you rise to, where will you shine? Which dragon will you slay, which demon will you stare down? Who gets to see your victory dance? How many times will you LAUGH. OUT. LOUD. Today, Darling, TODAY is the day that you have, so for the love…
Every day holds life lessons for us to learn from and grow. These challenges come to us in a million different shapes, sizes, and levels of difficulty but they each have one thing in common: to prepare us for our own personal success. If you find yourself in a place of frustration because you are facing the same challenge over and over, take heart. You will Level Up- either with more polish, or with battle scars. This is just a big lesson that you are being forced to look at by your future self. It’s important enough for you to…
The moral of the story is not to wait for your life’s conditions to be perfect. Do the things and have the fun TODAY and every “today” that follows! ❤️
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