• blessings - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    Practice Graceful Self Love for the Holidays

    Whatever “Thanksgiving” means to you, whatever feelings, emotions, memories it brings up, however you celebrate the year end holidays or don’t… I invite you to spend some quiet time nurturing yourself and your soul.  Remind yourself that you matter, despite how anyone around you may try to make you feel otherwise.❤️ Treat your body to a good stretch, lots of rest, and gentle movement such as a nice walk to ease pain & discomfort.👍🏿 Eat, Drink, and Be Merry because you deserve Joy and a life of Celebration. If you have especially challenging family dynamics to sit through, remind yourself…

  • blessings - brain training - inspiration - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra: Today I Choose Gratitude

    Every day is a day worthy of giving thanks for.  Even in the hardest of times and in the most challenging circumstances, even in sadness, even in disappointment, there is always something to be grateful for. You may have to dig deeper or look out farther, but treasure is there. On the days when praise comes easily, be generous with your attitude of gratitude. Allow that positivity to flow through you and out to everyone around you. Share stories that are uplifting, smile, speak words of kindness and hope. Be a little lighthouse in a dreary world. On the days…

  • healing - inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help

    What Do We Do Now? Heal and Rebuild 

    In the wake of any disaster, whether natural or man made, the most immediate need is the lifesaving work of the first responder. Assess the situation, bring relief, create safety.  Rebuilding and healing for individuals and communities comes later.   [Disaster Strikes] During the national election results on Tuesday November 8, I was a complete wreck and in so much shock. Disbelief. Total meltdown. The truth is that the bubble I had unknowingly created for myself had been burst, and I was left feeling frightened, betrayed, raw, and very, very vulnerable. The reason I didn’t realize I had created a…

  • inspiration - life challenge - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra : I am a Warrior, and I Choose Love

    [ctt template=”5″ link=”EWQ2u” via=”yes” ]You can be both a Lover and a Fighter. @Blsng_Butterfly[/ctt] You can be both a Lover and a Fighter. You can choose to reach out and build bridges of understanding, safety, compassion and caring while taking a firm & clear stance against fear-based things like bigotry, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and sexism. This is a call to action, not a call to violence.  This is a call to take actions that bring you into alignment with your ideals. This is a call to take the highest road and choose the most excellent path. This is a call…

  • Friday Feels - healing - inspiration

    #FridayFeels Sad, But Hopeful

    If you are feeling sad today, like so many of us are- know that it’s OK. You are allowed to feel what you feel, and though I wish everyone would honor and respect your feelings- they won’t, so you have to. Feelings are primal. They are common to all, but show up in us individually at different times and with different prompting. They are real, and powerful, and valid. So feel whatever it is that YOU feel- and in kind, allow others their feelings though they differ from your own. It’s OK. For me, there is a lot of sadness…

  • blessings - healing - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    Together, We Must Move Forward 

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Today, half of my country is celebrating.  Or if they are not actually celebrating, they are at least relieved that their candidate won.  They feel that their voice was heard.  If you are among the people in this category, I do offer my congratulations and send my love. Today, half of my country is devastated.  As I watched in shock and complete disbelief last night, I felt so much sadness and pain for the sharp division.  And in many ways, the world around us is kinda freaking out.…

  • inspiration - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra Is This What Love Looks Like?

    Today’s Monday Mantra is a question instead of an affirmation or a statement. It’s the most important question you can ask yourself: Is this what Love looks like? Because we are created from Love, fueled by Love, and searching our whole lives to connect with Love, it’s the single most important truth to live out each and every day.  It’s the most important question to ask ourselves whenever there is doubt about our thoughts, our actions, or choices- or following the actions of others. Is this what Love looks like? Live Love. Show Love. Demonstrate Love. Speak Love. Support Love.…

  • blessings - brain training - Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels: Wealth & Gratitude

    I recently shared this in a group on Facebook called Wealth, Worth, & Wisdom started by my cousin, Nicole Lewis-Keeber .  You can read more about her on one of my recent “Friday Faves” interviews here. Anyway, I shared the following story with her group as encouragement and I hope you will enjoy it as well. I would love to share something wonderfully abundant, if you’ll indulge me. I’ve been practicing small gratitudes whenever a tiny bit of extra or unexpected money comes my way. Literally as small as a found penny! “Thank You! This makes me happy. I welcome more,…

  • blessings - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    Proud Mama Moment

    Y’all, I just love my son so damn much! In 29 years he’s never really asked for “stuff” for birthdays or Christmas gifts. Maybe it’s because we were SO POOR and scraping to get by for so many years. Maybe it’s because he’s just a beautiful human despite all the odds stacked against him. All I know is, he’s hella hard to shop for and I couldn’t be more proud: I love you, Joe! ❤️ Would you like to join my private email list? It’s where I share awesomeness with my tribe of wild & beautiful butterfly souls.  

  • blessings - brain training - inspiration - life challenge - Mantras - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra I Eliminate My Limitations

    How many times have you talked yourself out of following a dream or pursuing the life that you want to live? How often does the phrase “I can’t because ______” come out of your mouth when what you really want is to just do the thing? Fear often holds us back from doing really stupid and dangerous things, which is not bad. The problem comes when Fear decides it wants to control everything and prevents us from going after the awesome things we really want in life. That’s where our limiting beliefs about ourselves are born, where they grow, and…