Have you ever noticed how some people just continually complain about things going wrong for them, or how they never win anything, or if it wasn’t for bad luck they would have no luck at all? Is that you? This is a great mantra to start changing your mindset from negative to positive. Create an attraction to more of the good things (little ones and big ones!) by practicing this simple phrase, and let the universe begin to fulfill your declaration: I Am Lucky! Would you like to join my private email list? It’s where I share awesomeness with my…
I’m so thankful for the life I live! It’s been a long and winding path so far, filled with lots of painful experiences and unexpected blessings. I’m choosing gratitude and savoring this life each and every day! (Days like this make it pretty easy.) Would you like to join my private email list? It’s where I share awesomeness with my tribe of wild & beautiful butterfly souls.
I’m writing this message for today lying in bed, the ocean gently rocking our cruise ship and lulling my sweetheart to sleep beside me. I sometimes cannot believe that this is my life now, and yet it’s the love & life I had always dreamed of. Yesterday, he surprised me with a dozen perfect, gorgeous red roses delivered to our state room. Today, he surprised me with a bottle of Dom Perignon, chocolate dipped strawberries, and a chocolate mousse cake. Tomorrow, we are taking a private speed boat that he chartered for us from St. Thomas USVI and spending the…
Last year around this time, my hottie boyfriend and I took off on a fabulous Caribbean cruise to Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Jamaica and Haiti. We convinced three other couples to join us for the adventure, and it was an incredible time! In fact, we loved it so much that we booked another cruise before we left the ship. Our friends maybe thought we were crazy, and they may be right- but we are just crazy enough to do the things together that make us happy. Today, hottie and I set sail for another exciting cruise. We’ve literally been looking forward…
Mantra: Pray for Peace, then Practice Living Peacefully. Creating a more peaceful world will always begin with you. Ask yourself if your words and actions are helping to create more peace in your relationships, or if they are not. Start with yourself. If your words and actions are not creating more peaceful relationships, what are they doing? They are instead creating more drama, more anxiety, more disruption, more apathy. Pray or meditate about how you can create more peace within yourself (the first relationship) and then how you can extend it to the people around you. By living in peace…
I love to cook, and I’ve been told that I’m pretty frickin’ good at it. ::blushes:: My hottie boyfriend Chad loves that I love to cook, and that I’m pretty frickin’ good at it, because that means he gets to enjoy lots of great-tasting home cooked meals almost every day! One of his favorites that I make is a stuffed chicken breast that tastes way more high-calorie than it actually is. We have this about 1x a week because he loves it so much, but he would not be mad if I made it even more often, LOL! (Takes about…
Hey there, Gorgeous! Your life is absolutely worth celebrating every single day. You’re a warrior, a trailblazer, an angel, a rockstar and a goddess. You lead and inspire the people in your life just by being your authentic self. Celebrate your accomplishments & Celebrate YOU! Would you like to join my private email list? It’s where I share awesomeness with my tribe of wild & beautiful butterfly souls.
We all have those days. You know the kind I’m talking about, right? The ones that you have carefully and thoughtfully planned out with a neat list of manageable tasks to check off, a few scheduled appointments, and some wonderful self-care all lined up. Ahhhh, heavenly! Except… It all goes sideways. Someone gets sick. Meals get skipped. Self-care gets sabotaged. Deadlines get missed. You find yourself going from blissed-out to pissed-off, and from boss on top of your game to curled up in fetal position under a blanket. My last sideways day looked a little something like this: The…
Mantra: I Am Creating A Beautiful Life The work that we do each day to actively, intentionally shift our mindset from negative, doom-and-gloom, worst case scenario to a more positive, bright-and-shiny, best possible outcome is powerful and scientifically proven to create new neural pathways in our brains. It is true that what we think about and focus our attention on is what shapes our reality, and by being open to the possibility of good things happening in our lives we literally create space in our minds for positive energy to grow! Though we may not be able to control external…
Sleeping in. Fluffy pillows. Brunch. Leftovers. Naps. Family stories. Relaxing at Grandma’s house instead of hassling the Black Friday shopping crowd, and thankful to be sitting beside my love today. What are you thankful for? Would you like to join my private email list? It’s where I share awesomeness with my tribe of wild & beautiful butterfly souls.
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