Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Welcome, 2024! There’s a powerful new energy coming into play this year, so let’s take an esoteric look at it. In today’s article, we’re going to focus on how Numerology and the Tarot come together with a powerful guiding message for the year ahead. In numerology, which is the study of numbers and their spiritual significance, each year holds its own unique energy vibration based on the digits that compose it. In the case of the year 2024, the sum of its digits, 2 + 0 + 2 + 4, equals 8. This numerical composition…
Whew! Well Loves, this has been an interesting month, hey? We’re entering the New Moon phase, which is all about rest, introspection, and new beginnings. It has me wondering: •What does Rest look like for you right now? •What have you been learning about yourself in the past month? •What new beginnings are you preparing for? I’ll start:REST for me has been very much about allowing my body to recover from the first round of chemo. It’s looked like saying “No” or “Not Now” to everything that I can, instead of my usual recovering Type A habit of pushing myself…
Don’t mistake my positivity for weakness! There is great POWER in Positivity. Seeking out the bright side, following the Light, leaning in to hope and holding on to it during the darkest times is what makes us stronger than our inner critic and any outer bullshit. 💖🦋 Ready to master 4 key practices for creating a more powerfully positive life? My awesome How to Cultivate Positivity with 4 Simple Tools class will teach you how to practice Gratitude, Santosha, Affirmation, and Dreamwork. It’s available now on Teachable!
Loss, you are indeed one painful Teacher. Never once have you given me a life lesson that didn’t hurt in greater or lesser degrees and send shock waves to my very core, drawing cleansing tears from deep within my being. Not. Once. And this, I believe, is something that connects all life on some higher level, though we may fight like hell to avoid experiencing it. It’s not one of the Fun Feelings, but Loss does hold vital lessons for us whenever we are ready to see them- lessons that are only won the hard way. Lessons like strength, perseverance,…
What if, each day, you made the conscious choice to focus on what makes you happy? By directing your thoughts, your intentions, your energy towards the positive pursuit of your own happiness, you will create a powerful shift that ignites your spirit and fills your life with Light and Joy! Take the time to get to know YOU by trying new things and becoming a master at the things you already enjoy. You aren’t pretending that hard things aren’t also part of your world, rather you are building reserves of strength and banking cherished memories that can buoy you…
Today, March 8, is a day celebrated for more than a century now as International Women’s Day. In it’s earliest iteration, it was founded as “International Working Women’s Day” and was actually linked back to the American Socialist Party. To be crystal clear, I am NOT a Socialist. But I most definitely am a Woman, and I choose to support, elevate, empower and celebrate women around the world today and every day. In 2017, I’m astonished that so many women in my own country and around the globe still lack equality and in so many parts of the world, basic…
Sometimes you come across a person who exudes such compassion, kindness, peacefulness and genuine love for others that it makes you pause and wonder: How did they get to this place? Such is the case with my friend Rachel. She and I connected online through an exercise challenge; she lives in Wales, I am in the US. The energy and support within this online group was AMAZING. Truly supportive and really beautiful! The challenge ended, but several (hundred) of us, mostly women, wanted to remain connected so Rachel soon formed a spin-off group that kept the conversations and support going.…
Here I am, halfway through my September 30 Day Challenge and I have a few observations to share with you. I’ve broken them down into the three categories of my Challenge: Diet, Exercise, and Gratitude. DIET CHALLENGE: 30 days without consuming any sugar*, grains, dairy, or alcohol. (*No artificial sweeteners too. I do allow honey in my tea and pure maple syrup in my almond butter) Changing the way I eat is actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I knew I was ready for a change, and I started out with the mindset that this is…
Adulting can be so hard sometimes, AMIRITE? Don’t worry Lovelies, you can do this! Whether you are trying to get yourself out of bed and back to work after a long holiday weekend or perhaps an even longer vacation break, there are a few simple things that you can do right now to make your reintegration to Responsible Adult Life a breeze. Here are my Top 5 Tips for Easing Back in After a Holiday: Re-Hydrate! Top of the list for getting your body back on point. Spending fun times with friends and family almost always revolves around food &…
For the past couple of years, I have been wanting- no, longing to- create a series of fitness videos for people living in bigger bodies, with a crazy twist: I don’t want you to lose a bunch of weight (unless that is something YOU want for yourself). Instead, I wanted to simply love, support, and encourage people just like me to love the body that they are already living in, and provide them with some easy action-steps to help guide them to a healthier lifestyle. I had this radical notion that I could begin to deeply, truly LOVE…
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