Don’t mistake my positivity for weakness! There is great POWER in Positivity. Seeking out the bright side, following the Light, leaning in to hope and holding on to it during the darkest times is what makes us stronger than our inner critic and any outer bullshit. 💖🦋 Ready to master 4 key practices for creating a more powerfully positive life? My awesome How to Cultivate Positivity with 4 Simple Tools class will teach you how to practice Gratitude, Santosha, Affirmation, and Dreamwork. It’s available now on Teachable!
How will you use your power to influence others today? Whether you speak to hundreds, or thousands, or a handful, or even just one- you can use your powerful words for good. Mantra: I use my Influence for Good, to Encourage, Inspire, and Empower.
Dig deep today, Love. Deeper still. Take a few minutes to get grounded, get centered, and decide to go through your day firmly rooted in your power. Your power comes from deep within. It is the essence of all creation, the foundation of all that is, all that ever was, and all that is yet to be. The power that fuels you is eternal and cannot be undone by the temporary. Can you sense it? Awaken and tune in: Do you feel it? As you move through your day, discern what is temporary and what is eternal. Today, Love,…
Blessing #31: I Am Complete In launching The Blessings Butterfly, I initially set out to write a simple book of affirmations, meditations, blessings and encouragements that would express to the people I love the most just how much they mean to me. I chose words and thoughts and themes that would empower the handful of people I had hoped would read it. Beautifully, in the process, I came to discover a new sense of love and acceptance and joy and freedom within myself. The blessings became circular, as they poured out of my heart and flowed over me and came…
Blessing #17: I am Powerful “With great power comes great responsibility.” ~Anonymous There have been many variations of the sobering phrase, with great power comes great responsibility, that have been spoken by leaders since the days of Jesus of Nazareth to Sir Winston Churchill to Spiderman’s uncle Ben Parker. Truly, the power that we each hold within us is great. Our thoughts, words, and actions have the power to create or destroy, to heal or harm, to bless or curse, to encourage or oppress, to strengthen or sabotage, to save or abandon, to love or to hate. We have the…
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