By Michelle Currie, Guest Contributor As certain systems and beliefs continue to crumble in the world, you may be getting the nudge to be a part of the change. More specifically, you may be inspired to disrupt and change how things have always been by sharing ‘your thing’: your vision, sacred gifts, and voice. Because, if you’re honest, you’ve always felt like the world was a bit topsy-turvy and know you’re here to change that by sharing ‘your thing’ with the world. But, deep down, you believe you have to be someone you’re not to make any kind of difference.…
By Jennalea Brave, Guest Contributor In the midst of the chaos of today’s global health crisis, it isn’t surprising that a lot of people find it extra hard to stay positive and happy. A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorder highlights how psychological distress associated with the pandemic can potentially lead to higher levels of adverse psychiatric symptoms, such as major depressive disorder and PTSD. In the face of this reality, it becomes even more important for all of us to look into the ways we can encourage positivity — and what better place to start than home?…
Whew! Well Loves, this has been an interesting month, hey? We’re entering the New Moon phase, which is all about rest, introspection, and new beginnings. It has me wondering: •What does Rest look like for you right now? •What have you been learning about yourself in the past month? •What new beginnings are you preparing for? I’ll start:REST for me has been very much about allowing my body to recover from the first round of chemo. It’s looked like saying “No” or “Not Now” to everything that I can, instead of my usual recovering Type A habit of pushing myself…
During the month of December, my birth month, I set out to share one positive social media account each day. The goal was to introduce some of the people & organizations who have inspired me this year; 31 folx & groups who are examples of Transformational Positivity in action. I invite you to check out the work they’re doing to make the world a better place. I’ve included links to their websites, just for your convenience (I do not receive any commission). I know this time of year can be stressful and emotional and sometimes tricky, but I also absolutely…
Loves, I am so looking forward to a few days of deep rest, how about you? Winding down the year for me means attending a few holiday celebrations, managing my stress levels by guarding my personal boundaries, celebrating my birthday (12/22) and enjoying a few days off with my sweetheart before welcoming in a new year. I LOVE my year-end rituals, which often include a love letter to the year passing; daydreaming and future-writing; choosing a Word, phrase or mantra for the coming year; a long, sensual soak in the tub; and a fire ceremony, to name a few. Some…
Hello November! Fall is in full swing here in the Northern Hemisphere, and with it comes a somewhat jarring surge of consumer energy that may feel incongruent with what you observe in the Natural World around you. The shops ramp up their holiday displays and sales sales sales; FOMO messaging reaches a peak and holds tight through the end of the year, especially with a new decade fast approaching; year-end deadlines only add to the pressure. So what do you do to handle it all with Grace, Positivity and a bit of Sanity for yourself? Take a cue from Nature:…
Transformational Positivity has taught me that I am not about The Hustle. I am not on this planet to constantly be grinding away at meaningless tasks of my own making (or anyone else’s). I’ve learned how to get everything done that I need to, with ease, and even a fair amount of joy, by tuning into the rhythms of nature & managing my energy accordingly. On this final day before the New Moon phase, I am mindful of gathering up & tending to any loose ends, making note of what can be handled now, and what can wait. Not trying…
Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Do you have a more relaxed work schedule during the summer months? It’s a great time to look at your Self-Care routine and treat yourself to something beautiful. I was so grateful today for the flexibility to go enjoy some “beauty maintenance” (lash fill & mani-pedi!) before joining my sweetheart’s office dinner party tonight. Self-care is so much deeper than a spa day; it’s really about taking the time to restore what’s on your inside. So, what if you can’t take a day off or even a few hours? Give yourself 5, 10,…
WHAT IF I JUST… SHOW UP 💖🦋 Amazingly beautiful and powerful shifts can take place within us whenever we begin to allow the magic within to come out of hiding and just… SHOW UP. Yes- that means that you will need to be seen, be heard, be counted- and I know that even just reading these words can cause some feelings of panic, without even taking a single step! I get it, showing up can sometimes feel really scary. I know this intimately! You may have a story inside you that includes a time when showing up somewhere caused you…
Hello Loves! I’ve been working on some awesome creative projects for the summer/fall, and over the weekend I came up against a gnarly block that put me on pause and required some extra effort in personal development, self care, and deep healing. If you’re curious, here’s what my steps looked like: 1- Feel something unpleasant 2- Ask for help 3- Receive help 4- Accept help 5- Process unpleasantness 6- Heal a layer of self Thank you, Friends, for sharing your beautiful, kind, funny and cheerful words when I most needed them. Please know how powerful your words and your compassion…
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