• blessings - healing - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    Giving Up To Gain

    For the past several years, I stopped attending church services altogether in favor of ditching religion and religiosity for a deeper, more authentic, hands-on, dirt-under-my-nails, faith-without-borders spiritual quest of healing and enlightenment. I chose to shrug off what had come to feel like confinement and faking it, and just figure out how to connect with and love people in a way that felt a lot more natural and right for me. It has been the best decision I have ever made, and it has allowed me to take all of the good lessons that I learned and apply them (love,…

  • blessings - brain training - healing - healthy - inspiration - self help

    When Anger Is Killing You & How I Am Learning to Manage My Anger

    Anger- there is no shortage of it. Even though for my own health and sanity I take care to spend the bulk of my time around people who are positive, mellow, and well-suited to handling stress, this powerful emotion is one that never seems far enough away.  All I have to do is take a quick scroll through Facebook or Twitter to see and feel the anger, wrath, or full-blown rage seeping through post after post after post, from the POTUS to the online trolls and everywhere in between. It’s exhausting, and I believe it is killing us. Now wait…

  • brain training - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    When Things Go Sideways 

    We all have those days.  You know the kind I’m talking about, right? The ones that you have carefully and thoughtfully planned out with a neat list of manageable tasks to check off, a few scheduled appointments, and some wonderful self-care all lined up. Ahhhh, heavenly!  Except… It all goes sideways. Someone gets sick. Meals get skipped. Self-care gets sabotaged. Deadlines get missed.  You find yourself going from blissed-out to pissed-off, and from boss on top of your game to curled up in fetal position under a blanket.   My last sideways day looked a little something like this:  The…

  • brain training - Friday Faves

    #FridayFaves : Tapping, Money, and Mindset Awesomeness with Nicole Lewis-Keeber

    I’m SUPER STOKED to share about someone who has almost always been a part of my life, but through the magic of Facebook we connected as adults and realized that we have an even deeper bond than just our family ties.  My interview today is with my beautiful, brilliant and amazing cousin, Nicole Lewis-Keeber.  YAY!  She and I grew up on opposite coasts and only saw each other very sporadically as kids, on the few occasions our family was able to travel from Southern California back to my father’s roots in North Carolina.   Here’s a snapshot of Nicole and the…

  • blessings - Friday Faves - inspiration - life challenge - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - self help

    #FridayFaves: Healing Your Trauma Through Meditation, Featuring Rachel John of Soul BEing

    Sometimes you come across a person who exudes such compassion, kindness, peacefulness and genuine love for others that it makes you pause and wonder: How did they get to this place?  Such is the case with my friend Rachel.  She and I connected online through an exercise challenge; she lives in Wales, I am in the US.  The energy and support within this online group was AMAZING. Truly supportive and really beautiful!  The challenge ended, but several (hundred) of us, mostly women, wanted to remain connected so Rachel soon formed a spin-off group that kept the conversations and support going.…

  • Friday Faves - inspiration

    Friday Faves: Featuring Alana Hinojosa of Frisky Fish Essentials

    Hello Loves! I am so excited to bring back my “Friday Faves” for the month of October.  My first interview is with my longtime friend, Alana.  We have known each other for many years, and though our lives keep us super busy, we still get together once or twice a year face to face with a few special girlfriends.  Usually we can only keep up with each other through the magic of Facebook, but I’ll take it!  She’s a wonderful woman, super creative, and I can’t wait to introduce you to her. Your Name: Alana Hinojosa Name of Your Business/Company/Product/Project:…

  • brain training - Friday Feels - healthy - inspiration - life challenge - self help

    #FridayFeels Accomplished 

    On September 1, I started my 30 Day Challenge which included a 10 minute daily walk, daily gratitude journaling, and eliminating certain foods from my daily diet (no sugar, dairy, grains, or alcohol).  Aside from the total of 5 days of planned travel in which I released my food restrictions (4 in NOLA, 1 in Vegas), I was able to stick to my Challenge in all three areas! I’m feeling pretty accomplished and I have to say, pretty darn proud of myself. On this final day of my Challenge, here are my observations: This wasn’t about counting calories or weight…

  • blessings - brain training - inspiration - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra: Dare to Risk – Positive Energy Shift

    Do you realize that you have the power to change your life? Yes- you totally do! You do not have to stay stuck in negativity.  You can create a powerful mindset shift that will lead you to a more positive, powerful, and joyful life. Whenever fear and doubt start clouding your thoughts and drawing you down into a dark place mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, there is no better time to dare to reach out.  Whether you prefer prayer, meditation, EFT/tapping, or talk therapy with a professional therapist- you have access to a universe filled with positive energy.  Tapping into that…

  • blessings - brain training - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Monday Mantra - self help

    #MondayMantra Open to Receive 

    “I am open to receive” What do you want to have more of in your life? Love, joy, confidence, acceptance, inspiration? Money, power, status, success? Adventure, excitement, challenge?  It’s all available to you, gift-wrapped and personalized, ready and waiting to be delivered to you. But Lovely, it’s not enough just to want it, not enough to work for it- you must be open and willing to receive it.  Turn on your “OPEN” sign to the universe and see what happens next! Try this mantra: “I am open to receive.” And when it comes, remember to say Thank You. ❤️