• Coaching - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    I Said YES to Me!

    By Angèle Cristina, Guest Contributor Picture this: It’s a beautiful day in early September 2021 and I am sitting in a salon in Leipzig, Germany. I have just had my hair coloured pink. Dyeing my hair has been a ritual I have been following for the last 6 years. It is my way of showing my true authentic self. Let me explain…. It all began with me watching cartoons at a very young age. I became obsessed with this particular character who magically transformed from a girl to a showgirl. In the process, her hair changed from copper to turquoise…

  • Astrology - inspiration - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Retrograde Retrospective

    Written By Montine Rummel, Guest Contributor Oct. 13, 2021  Can we please stop using retrogrades as a scapegoat for our discomfort and lack of preparation?   As astrology has become more mainstream over the last few years, there has been growing panic surrounding retrogrades because it seems like it’s a fun thing for media companies to sensationalize for clicks and ad revenue (from my perspective, anyway). Looking at some of the language being used in the last few weeks we see “a reign of retrograde confusion” that’s “coming for your relationships” and so many “survival guides” to get one through.   While…

  • inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help - Transformational Positivity

    It’s messy & smelly & hairy, but it’s the only way through

    By Kristin Nelson, Guest Contributor Hi there, loves! I’m Kristin and in 2020 I created a business in Kansas City, Missouri called Unravel Your Life. I create & take opportunities that allow me to help people de-clutter their homes & minds, making more space for them to stretch out their arms & be themselves. I do Akashic Record & Tarot readings, and I’m learning Reiki & energy healing. It’s glorious & I’m grateful because my life is rad. I let the Universe guide me on what to do next. I listen, I move forward, one step at a time, with…

  • Coaching - Community - inspiration - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - New Moon - Transformational Positivity

    New Moon, New Beginnings

    Whew! Well Loves, this has been an interesting month, hey? We’re entering the New Moon phase, which is all about rest, introspection, and new beginnings. It has me wondering: •What does Rest look like for you right now? •What have you been learning about yourself in the past month? •What new beginnings are you preparing for? I’ll start:REST for me has been very much about allowing my body to recover from the first round of chemo. It’s looked like saying “No” or “Not Now” to everything that I can, instead of my usual recovering Type A habit of pushing myself…

  • brain training - Coaching - healing - healthy - inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous

    Whole Self Love: a new series

    WHOLE SELF LOVE: a new series Oh, Honey- I have some things to say about this little #frenemy right here. It’s been a hot minute since I have shared much publicly about my physical body, and here’s why: Dieting Sucks Talking about dieting is capital B BORING Diet Culture is toxicAF The number on the scale does not determine (nor can it ever measure) my worth I know this to be True. You probably do as well! (And yet…) It’s why, for the past 4-5 years, I have made it my personal mission to learn how to Love the body…

  • brain training - healthy - inspiration - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - self help - Transformation Tips

    Summertime Self-Care Tips

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly   Do you have a more relaxed work schedule during the summer months? It’s a great time to look at your Self-Care routine and treat yourself to something beautiful. I was so grateful today for the flexibility to go enjoy some “beauty maintenance” (lash fill & mani-pedi!) before joining my sweetheart’s office dinner party tonight. Self-care is so much deeper than a spa day; it’s really about taking the time to restore what’s on your inside. So, what if you can’t take a day off or even a few hours? Give yourself 5, 10,…

  • Coaching - inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous

    Showing Up, Even When It Feels Scary

    WHAT IF I JUST… SHOW UP 💖🦋 Amazingly beautiful and powerful shifts can take place within us whenever we begin to allow the magic within to come out of hiding and just… SHOW UP. Yes- that means that you will need to be seen, be heard, be counted- and I know that even just reading these words can cause some feelings of panic, without even taking a single step! I get it, showing up can sometimes feel really scary. I know this intimately! You may have a story inside you that includes a time when showing up somewhere caused you…

  • Coaching - life challenge - self help

    The Bachelorette, Gaslighting, and True Love

    Bachelorette Fans: Let’s Discuss 🌹 I think it’s pretty safe to say that we have all experienced (or have had someone close to us experience) falling for someone who is soooo not right for us. Someone who you are so attracted to, knowing full well that there’s just something “off” but you convince yourself that it’s not really a big deal, or justifiable, or somehow you can work through it together for Love. Someone who makes you second guess yourself, twist to conform, dumb down, or dim your light because it’s just too damn bright for them to handle. I…

  • Coaching - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help - Serving With Joy - Transformational Positivity

    When clouds cover your sunshine

    Hello Loves! I’ve been working on some awesome creative projects for the summer/fall, and over the weekend I came up against a gnarly block that put me on pause and required some extra effort in personal development, self care, and deep healing. If you’re curious, here’s what my steps looked like: 1- Feel something unpleasant 2- Ask for help 3- Receive help 4- Accept help 5- Process unpleasantness 6- Heal a layer of self Thank you, Friends, for sharing your beautiful, kind, funny and cheerful words when I most needed them. Please know how powerful your words and your compassion…

  • Coaching - inspiration - Miscellaneous - self help

    It’s Really NOT Personal: When You Find Yourself in the Middle of Someone Else’s Mess

    Ohhhh my goodness! Have you ever found yourself swept up in the painful and confusing feeling that someone else’s mess [shit] is being personally directed at you? I’ve seen this show up as people seemingly (or even actually) ignoring you, flaking out on their agreements, passive-aggressiveness, or even with rude/angry/abusive comments. Any or all of these things can be hurtful to you as an individual, and damaging to your relationship with the other person. For empathetic people this is especially challenging. You’re just trying to get through the day with a positive attitude but keep feeling bummed out by people…