You are a dreamer of beautiful dreams! The dreams that live in your heart are no joke. They chose you specifically, and are worth following. It doesn’t matter if they don’t make sense to anyone else; they aren’t supposed to, because they are meant for you. They are a glittering gift, perfectly designed to ignite your deepest passions and fill you with unmatchable delight. Your dreams, if you decide to follow them, will challenge and shape and fulfill you in ways you could not imagine! Do not think for a minute that they won’t. That dream inside you today, that…
Sometimes you come across a person who exudes such compassion, kindness, peacefulness and genuine love for others that it makes you pause and wonder: How did they get to this place? Such is the case with my friend Rachel. She and I connected online through an exercise challenge; she lives in Wales, I am in the US. The energy and support within this online group was AMAZING. Truly supportive and really beautiful! The challenge ended, but several (hundred) of us, mostly women, wanted to remain connected so Rachel soon formed a spin-off group that kept the conversations and support going.…
Hello Loves! I am so excited to bring back my “Friday Faves” for the month of October. My first interview is with my longtime friend, Alana. We have known each other for many years, and though our lives keep us super busy, we still get together once or twice a year face to face with a few special girlfriends. Usually we can only keep up with each other through the magic of Facebook, but I’ll take it! She’s a wonderful woman, super creative, and I can’t wait to introduce you to her. Your Name: Alana Hinojosa Name of Your Business/Company/Product/Project:…
On September 1, I started my 30 Day Challenge which included a 10 minute daily walk, daily gratitude journaling, and eliminating certain foods from my daily diet (no sugar, dairy, grains, or alcohol). Aside from the total of 5 days of planned travel in which I released my food restrictions (4 in NOLA, 1 in Vegas), I was able to stick to my Challenge in all three areas! I’m feeling pretty accomplished and I have to say, pretty darn proud of myself. On this final day of my Challenge, here are my observations: This wasn’t about counting calories or weight…
For the past couple of years, I have been wanting- no, longing to- create a series of fitness videos for people living in bigger bodies, with a crazy twist: I don’t want you to lose a bunch of weight (unless that is something YOU want for yourself). Instead, I wanted to simply love, support, and encourage people just like me to love the body that they are already living in, and provide them with some easy action-steps to help guide them to a healthier lifestyle. I had this radical notion that I could begin to deeply, truly LOVE…
When you begin to change your mind about what you are capable of, what you deserve, and what you want from your life – you will begin to experience a shift. You begin to sense the incredible and limitless power available to all of us. Power to change harmful habits into healthful ones. Power to replace Hate with Love. Power to move beyond a place of fear, of apathy, or of complacency and into a place of great joy. Today, remind yourself that you are unlimited in your potential!
TGIF, AMIRITE?! Take in today’s energy to relax, refresh, and rejuvenate. Recharge your soul. Radiate that positive energy to attract positive energy and be a blessing to everyone who comes in contact with you! Visit my Facebook page for a collection of positive, uplifting and inspirational videos from my Live Mini-Meditations if you need a little sunny boost. 🙂
Mothers come in many different packages, and you don’t have to give birth to be a mother. I did, so this is part of my story. Without question, being a parent has been the hardest yet most important job I’ve ever done. Like most people, I had NO FRIGGIN CLUE what I was doing. Some days I still don’t! I was super excited to be a mom, even though I was not in a good or stable environment at the time. I knew that the tiny human inside me was going to change my life in a profound way- and…
From The Blessings Butterfly, available on Amazon. I am Loved Right Here, Right Now, Exactly as I AM. There is NOTHING I need to do in order to earn this Healing, Transforming Love. I AM SIMPLY RECEIVING IT. I give this Love to Myself, right here and right now, and I LET IT FILL MY HEART. It fills in any broken places inside me, and SHINES THROUGH THEM like a Brilliant Light. I AM LOVED.
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