Endings/Beginnings Goodbyes/Hellos Safety Nets/The Great Unknown Jobs end. Addresses change. Relationships shift. Lives evolve. We know that the only constant in Life is change, and even when we see it coming and look forward with great anticipation, still it feels like a shock to the system when the status quo we have known for so long is no longer so. Bittersweet. Today, if you are experiencing a great change of direction on your own path, know that you are not alone. Feel all of your feelings, don’t avoid them. Roll and flow with them, ride them like the mighty waves…
So this morning, St. Patrick’s Day, I am facing one of my fears and sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office. Dermatologist, to be exact. Seems that having pale white & freckled Irish skin (or Welsh, or English, depending on which branch of Dad’s family tree I’m following) and growing up in sunny Southern California is more than challenging to the tanned, beach bunny stereotype. Add in growing up in the era of no sunscreen and generous pours of baby oil to sunbathe for hours on end, and it’s generally a pretty good recipe for some skin cancer.…
For the past several years, I stopped attending church services altogether in favor of ditching religion and religiosity for a deeper, more authentic, hands-on, dirt-under-my-nails, faith-without-borders spiritual quest of healing and enlightenment. I chose to shrug off what had come to feel like confinement and faking it, and just figure out how to connect with and love people in a way that felt a lot more natural and right for me. It has been the best decision I have ever made, and it has allowed me to take all of the good lessons that I learned and apply them (love,…
Gentle Reminder: Please do not minimize or dismiss the struggles or pain that another person has faced. 💜 You and I may never share the same scars or past hurts, we may never fully understand what the other has felt, but it doesn’t make it any less real. Be generous as you extend grace and compassion to yourself, your family and friends, acquaintances and colleagues and coworkers, and yes even to the stranger whose struggles you may never personally know- as though we are all One.
If you’ve known me for more than a minute or have been following me for a while, you know that I am a pretty open and positive person. Sure, I have my up days and down days because, well, sometimes shitty things happen. I don’t try to hide the times I’m struggling or ignore things about society that bum me out. I believe that honestly sharing the journey is an important part of my story. Some days, however, I feel a stronger sense of that anything is possible optimism and a surge of positivity that I can’t contain. It comes…
Happy New Year, Loves! My word of the year choice for 2017 is “Elevate” and I’m incredibly excited for it. Like, Damn! My intention for the year moving forward is to elevate women and girls around the world, starting with myself. I will shine a halo around our achievements, and highlight opportunities for more. I will choose to elevate the conversation and lift each other up in a world that tries to tear us down. I will pick myself up and hold my strong hand out for you, too. I will gravitate towards those who are also intent on uplifting,…
We all have those days. You know the kind I’m talking about, right? The ones that you have carefully and thoughtfully planned out with a neat list of manageable tasks to check off, a few scheduled appointments, and some wonderful self-care all lined up. Ahhhh, heavenly! Except… It all goes sideways. Someone gets sick. Meals get skipped. Self-care gets sabotaged. Deadlines get missed. You find yourself going from blissed-out to pissed-off, and from boss on top of your game to curled up in fetal position under a blanket. My last sideways day looked a little something like this: The…
How many times have you talked yourself out of following a dream or pursuing the life that you want to live? How often does the phrase “I can’t because ______” come out of your mouth when what you really want is to just do the thing? Fear often holds us back from doing really stupid and dangerous things, which is not bad. The problem comes when Fear decides it wants to control everything and prevents us from going after the awesome things we really want in life. That’s where our limiting beliefs about ourselves are born, where they grow, and…
I’m SUPER STOKED to share about someone who has almost always been a part of my life, but through the magic of Facebook we connected as adults and realized that we have an even deeper bond than just our family ties. My interview today is with my beautiful, brilliant and amazing cousin, Nicole Lewis-Keeber. YAY! She and I grew up on opposite coasts and only saw each other very sporadically as kids, on the few occasions our family was able to travel from Southern California back to my father’s roots in North Carolina. Here’s a snapshot of Nicole and the…
Today is Beautiful! Tune in to the beauty all around you, the beauty within you, and extend beauty in small, simple acts of love & gratitude to every being on your path today. ❤️ You are Beautiful!
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