• healing - inspiration - Miscellaneous

    I’ve Been Thinking

    Dear Universe: I’ve been #Thinking about more ways to share my Love with you. With your people. With your creatures. Through individual efforts and as part of the collective, sharing from my creative gifts that you’ve blessed me with and amplifying the good work of others who are moving in the same direction, with good intention, to foster healing for myself and for us all. 💖 I am not entirely sure what it will look like, but I know it is something powerful and needed. A community of healers, healing their own pain and sharing their gifts with a waiting…

  • Coaching - inspiration

    Inspiration: Doing Hard Things

    #MondayMantra I can do hard things. Sometimes, usually when I am trying something new or stretching myself in some kind of way- I forget just how many hard things I’ve already done and that I am on the other side of now. It’s a powerful thing to be able to pause and briefly look back at just how very fucking far you’ve come. Summon up your inner badass, the one inside you who helped you push through and grow past those old obstacles. Remind yourself: Yes, Love, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. Once you’ve taken that in, breathe deep and…

  • Coaching - healing - inspiration - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness

    The Self-Care Sessions: Part 5- DEAR FEAR

    Next in my series of gentle meditations, I talk with Fear. “Dear Fear, Thank You for always trying to protect me. Please forgive me for giving you too much power. I have heard you, and now you may go. I will call you back when I need you. I love you.” Fear has an important place in our lives, but that place does not include having total control over us. Fear deserves a seat at the table. Fear is allowed to come along with you on your journey- it’s coming anyway so welcome it in a healthy way! Fear, given…

  • healing - inspiration - self help

    A Moment of Truth

    Want a peek behind the veil? Today I had a moment of truth and clarity that froze me in my tracks. My cousin Nicole and I were in the midst of recording an episode for our podcast, and something we were talking about triggered a powerful message. I went blank as the divine download was coming in, and couldn’t speak in the moment. I held on, breathed through it, and waited until I could continue our conversation. It was deep, y’all! I knew I would need some time to process what was happening inside me, and gave myself the immediate…

  • Coaching - inspiration

    Inspiration: Doing Hard Things

    Sometimes, usually when I am trying something new or stretching myself in some kind of way- I forget just how many hard things I’ve already done and am on the other side of now. It’s a powerful thing to be able to pause and briefly look back at just how very fucking far you’ve come. Summon up your inner badass, the one inside you who helped you push through and grow past those old obstacles. Remind yourself that, Yes, Love, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. Once you’ve taken that in, breathe deep and step forward into your new next level.…

  • Coaching - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Monday Mantra

    #MondayMantra I’m Doing the Best That I Can

    Today’s #mondaymantra is “I am doing the best that I can.” It’s good to remind ourselves that in any situation, we are doing the best that we can. Remember to give yourself grace, encouragement, or kudos- not harsh criticism. If there is some room and desire to grow or improve, gift yourself the education or training needed, without judgment. Release the need to get down on yourself or someone else when something isn’t “perfect” 💖🦋 #theblessingsbutterfly #empowermentcoach #mantra #mantras #perfection #perfectionism #grace #encouragement #inspiration #selfimprovement #empowerment #chill

  • inspiration

    What do you see when you look at me?

    “Shut your face, Suzy Sunshine! What the hell do you know about real life?” When you look at me, what do you see? Do you see: Confidence? Beauty? Strength? Joy? Kindness? Happiness? Positivity? A silly blonde? Yes- I am all of those, but i am so much more. To look at me now, you might never guess that I ever struggled, let alone felt pain, shame, and paralyzing fear for most of my life. From early childhood, i suffered as a victim of molestation, bullying, and abuse. It played as a recurring theme throughout my teens, and later manifested as…

  • Friday Feels - inspiration

    #FridayFeels Live Your Dream Life

    How do I know that I’m living the Dream? When I’m sitting in my cozy home office, recording a Sparkle Hour podcast episode with my beloved cousin and one of our hot shit dream guests, and I suddenly get a surprise drop in from my son… delivering me a gift of Venti deliciousness and $$! I have a million more reasons to be grateful and tons of evidence that I’m living my dream life, and I want that for you, too. Big wins + little luxuries, joy + ecstasy, mind-blowing wonder + everyday eternal wisdom. Life abundantly lived. You, shining.…

  • healing

    Thoughts on Healing in the Aftermath

    True Confession: Last night, I handled my heartbreak in the most awesomely adult way possible. I curled up on the bed in a fortress made of stuffed toy animals and just sat with my sad feelings for a while. Inside my soft, safe, quiet space I cried for the victims of yet another senseless terror attack. I cried for the unrelated loss of yet another cultural icon and music legend. I cried for the divide among people around the world who are more interested in defending their positions than in engaging in helpful dialogue to address our very real problems.…