• Explore Your Divinty - inspiration - Miscellaneous - Transformational Positivity - Witchy

    The Cat & The Bat

    By Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly The story I am about to tell you is completely, unequivocally, true. I have changed the names of the people, but everything else is factual. Even if you do not believe in practical magick, witchcraft, energetic healing, or you believe that all things Woo are just fiction, it is still a true story. Magick Everywhere It was a beautiful spring Friday in the South of France back in 2019. There was a tingling sense of magick everywhere. I was wearing the hell out of a fabulous little form-fitting red dress and rose-gold leather flats,…

  • Coaching - Community - inspiration - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Miscellaneous

    A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Your Word of the Year

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly As the New Year approaches, many people find themselves reflecting on the past and contemplating their aspirations for the future. One popular and powerful practice that has gained momentum in recent years is selecting a “Word of the Year.” Rather than setting traditional resolutions, choosing a guiding word can provide focus, clarity, and a sense of purpose throughout the coming months. This is something that I’ve been practicing for ages, and it’s served me far better than rigid resolutions ever did! Here’s my beginner-friendly guide on how to select a meaningful Word of the Year…

  • brain training - Community - Explore Your Divinty - healing - Miscellaneous - Transformational Positivity - Witchy

    Reclaiming Our Spirituality: Religious Deconstruction

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way up front: I am a Witch. I often work with various gods, goddesses, ancient deities, ascended masters, and a whole lot of spirit-beings. It’s an amazing spiritual connection that has always been part of my life, though I had to keep it hidden from most people. Especially from religious people… even when I was openly religious. My own sacred journey has become one of following my heart as someone who is deeply spiritual… but no longer is bound by religious constructs. After having spent many…

  • brain training - Coaching - healing - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help

    9 Strategies for Embracing Change

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether it’s a career shift, a move to a new city, a relationship evolving, or even the seasons changing, we constantly find ourselves navigating through transitions. While change can be challenging and unsettling, it is also an opportunity for growth, learning, and self-discovery. In this article, we will touch on 9 effective strategies to help you handle changes gracefully and thrive amidst life’s transformations. The initial reaction to change is often resistance. We may feel fear, anxiety, or even sadness when faced with the unknown. However, the…

  • brain training - Coaching - Miscellaneous - self help


    by Guest Author Tina Falk, Professional Feng Shui Educator and Chinese Astrologer “There’s a luggage limit to every passenger on a flight. The same rules apply to your life. You must eliminate some baggage before you can fly.”  ~Rosalind Johnson The thought of going through old baggage is enough to send anyone running for the hills. Does the old musty smell of the unknown take your breath away, set your heart in panic mode forcing you to promise that you’ll get to it another day?  Whether it’s old beliefs, ideals, traditions, values, work ethic, religious or political perspectives, even those things we…

  • Astrology - Community - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    Manifesting With the October Full Moon

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly October Full Hunter Moon The first full moon of the Fall is known as the Hunter Moon. It is also sometimes called the Blood Moon, not because of a lunar eclipse but because this moon rises before the sun has fully set… casting a reddish hue on Lady Luna as she rises into the evening sky.  You may have felt another surge of energy happening around you, if not within you, due to the collective energetic pushes around the world. The uprisings, the revolutions, the intense power-struggles are A LOT so if you’re feeling affected,…

  • brain training - Coaching - Explore Your Divinty - inspiration - Miscellaneous - self help

    You are enough. You are worthy. There is no questioning this.

    By Sarah Marie Liddle, Guest Author Radiance is sparked when we are connected to the divinity within and without. When we meet with this beautiful soul in the home of our body, we encounter the most wondrous mysteries in the natural world around us. There is a deep longing to find this place of oneness. We may seek out goals, visions, and pathways in the world to fulfill this deepest desire, yet it is not in the world that we come to understand deeply this connection with ourselves and the divine.  The ego will try and pry itself into your…

  • Community - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    10 Fun & Festive Ways to Celebrate Fall Equinox

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Hello Fall! Up here in the Northern Hemisphere we officially welcome in the Fall season with this week’s Autumnal Equinox, on Thursday 9/22. How’s the weather where you are? It’s still hot & sunny in SoCal, though I can finally feel that little hint of crispness in the morning air now. Equinox translates from the Latin aequus nox to “equal night” and it is one of the two times each calendar year when there is an equal amount of day & night for both hemispheres… once in the Spring, and once in the Fall. This…

  • brain training - Coaching - healing - inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous - self help - Transformational Positivity

    3 Steps for Manifesting Positive Change

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly We’ve reached the midpoint of August, and we are also in the midst of some incredibly transformational energy that you have access to. It’s not a coincidence! Having just moved through the hightened energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal and this last full supermoon, we are beginning to see the end of Summer fast approaching. A new season is just around the corner, and with it, a reminder from Nature that life is a series of cycles. Always another ending, always a new beginning. If you used the Lion’s Gate Portal energy last week…

  • brain training - Coaching - inspiration - Mantras - Meditation, Mantras, & Mindfulness - Miscellaneous - Transformational Positivity - Whole-Self Love

    10 Powerful Mantras for Beating Burnout

    By Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly How has your Summer been this year? I hope it has been full of Joy, Peace, and so many happy new memories. I also hope you are finding ways to recharge your energy. Keep reading for my top 10 mantras for beating burnout! For me, this summer has been full of fun activities and connecting with friends every week. I’ve also been vending at local Psychic Fairs, doing in-person oracle and tarot readings in addition to working with my online clients, enjoying lunch dates with old friends, beach days, county fair, and hosting…