Monday Mantra: I Am Healthy & I Am Whole! Pictured here is an incredibly lovely little girl named Caro (Carol). I met her years ago on my first visit to Kenya, when I was doing humanitarian work with Tumaini International. I will be sharing more about her in my next blog post this Wednesday, but for now- I wanted to share her smile and her strength with you. She’s such an inspiring person to be around! <3
Mantra: I like to eat, so I choose nourishing meals that satisfy me! Here’s a tasty little something I whipped up in the kitchen that makes a nice light meal or a hearty side dish: Brussels Sprouts & Bacon. It was filling, sweet, crunchy, savory, easy-peasy and super satisfying. I don’t really measure stuff, I just kind of play with it- so the measurements are more guesstimate than fact. I also don’t actually count calories, but if you’re into that then this is pretty low-cal. You can always substitute margarine for the butter and leave out the bacon, if that…
Blessing #31: I Am Complete In launching The Blessings Butterfly, I initially set out to write a simple book of affirmations, meditations, blessings and encouragements that would express to the people I love the most just how much they mean to me. I chose words and thoughts and themes that would empower the handful of people I had hoped would read it. Beautifully, in the process, I came to discover a new sense of love and acceptance and joy and freedom within myself. The blessings became circular, as they poured out of my heart and flowed over me and came…
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