Sometimes living life in a bigger body has it’s challenges! Too often we are made to feel as though enjoying good health, practicing self-care, and a modeling a lifestyle of wellness is only for the thin, the athletic, and the fit-and-trim… but I want to let you in on a (big) little secret: It’s just not true. Over in The Cocoon, ALL are welcome. Together, we get to disrupt the stereotypes of what it means to be healthy, what it means to be beautiful, what it means to be sexy and strong. We have fun moving our beautifully abundant bods.…
The moral of the story is not to wait for your life’s conditions to be perfect. Do the things and have the fun TODAY and every “today” that follows! ❤️
Blessing #31: I Am Complete In launching The Blessings Butterfly, I initially set out to write a simple book of affirmations, meditations, blessings and encouragements that would express to the people I love the most just how much they mean to me. I chose words and thoughts and themes that would empower the handful of people I had hoped would read it. Beautifully, in the process, I came to discover a new sense of love and acceptance and joy and freedom within myself. The blessings became circular, as they poured out of my heart and flowed over me and came…
Blessing #9: I am Fun Close your eyes and think of your most fun-loving friend. Who comes to mind, and what about that person makes them so much fun to be around? What’s fun for me may not be as much fun for you, and vice versa- but so what? Fun comes in all shapes and sizes, and there are a million billion gazillion different ways to have fun! Let’s be honest- life can be pretty hard. To balance things out, we want to cut loose a little when we can. We actually need to take a break from things…
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