• Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    An Easy Guide to Rose Quartz Moon Water

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Many witches- whether they are new practitioners or have been at their craft for decades- have a bit of a love-affair with the Moon, and with making Moon Water. Myself included! I use Moon Water for many different purposes, and I make it during different lunar phases to suit my needs. I have a handy guide at the end of this article to help you with what each moon phase signifies. If you are reading this around the time of a Full Moon, you’re in luck! Grab your ingredients and make you a batch…

  • Astrology - Community - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    Manifesting With the October Full Moon

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly October Full Hunter Moon The first full moon of the Fall is known as the Hunter Moon. It is also sometimes called the Blood Moon, not because of a lunar eclipse but because this moon rises before the sun has fully set… casting a reddish hue on Lady Luna as she rises into the evening sky.  You may have felt another surge of energy happening around you, if not within you, due to the collective energetic pushes around the world. The uprisings, the revolutions, the intense power-struggles are A LOT so if you’re feeling affected,…