• brain training - Coaching - Miscellaneous - self help


    by Guest Author Tina Falk, Professional Feng Shui Educator and Chinese Astrologer “There’s a luggage limit to every passenger on a flight. The same rules apply to your life. You must eliminate some baggage before you can fly.”  ~Rosalind Johnson The thought of going through old baggage is enough to send anyone running for the hills. Does the old musty smell of the unknown take your breath away, set your heart in panic mode forcing you to promise that you’ll get to it another day?  Whether it’s old beliefs, ideals, traditions, values, work ethic, religious or political perspectives, even those things we…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - self help - Witchy

    2022 Year of the Deep Water Tiger

    Guest Post by Tina Falk, CFSP, Founder of VIA School of Feng Shui All opinions expressed in this article are the sole perception/experience of the writer, and may not necessarily be shared by Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly. All Rights Reserved. Are you feeling a shift in this new year? Some transitions are subtle while others are a surge of energy. To me, I already feel a powerful surge. My favorite method to interpret energy is through a 4,000-year-old astrology system; the Chinese five elements and zodiac signs. I am a Chinese Astrologer and Metaphysician. I use these insights…