I have this gorgeous little tea set that my son gifted me with years ago. One of the sweet little cups suffered a catastrophic break, and I couldn’t part with it. I glued the pieces back in place, and held onto it for years. It traveled with me through 3 moves, and when I settled in here I knew I wanted to do something special with it. Adopting (and adapting) the tradition of Kintsugi, I wanted to elevate its cracks and imperfections, so that my once broken little cup could live on as a whole vessel, a visual reminder that…
It is thought that each person we encounter is in some way a mirror of ourselves (and vice versa). This is comforting whenever we see aspects that are considered positive or admirable, but when we see the worst in someone? Oof. Well, that’s not exactly fun. Especially when you consider that we are equally capable of unleashing some nasty, unpleasant, and downright awful behavior of our own. Sorry to tell ya, but “Love and Light” isn’t all that we are made of. We also carry hurt, anger, hatred, unhealed trauma, sadness, and a whole lot of darkness throughout our time…
Once I realized that I am not just “weird” but that in fact I am a Beautiful Weirdo, well honey everything else just fell into place around me. I stopped trying to be anyone other than my own self, in all of my wonderful weirdness, because THAT is my special sauce. I own my sky-high optimism, and my self-searching shadowy moments of fear & doubt. I shit rainbows and hold space for people in my faerie dust, covered in golden Light and wrapped in unstoppable, unbreakable Love. I believe in believing in you, in me, and in our own immeasurable…
My simple prayer for us all today: “May you see all the Beauty today.” 💖🦋 Do you make it a point to regularly observe Beauty? Not to objectify it, but to actually see the Beauty that is in and around you, and in everyone? It’s a powerful practice of positivity that has helped me to heal some pretty deep wounds over my *many* years on the planet. Even if you have your shit together, I invite you to take time today to look and see Beauty. Celebrate it! Share it! Ugly Truth: It’s not at all hard to see the…
#MondayMantra I can do hard things. Sometimes, usually when I am trying something new or stretching myself in some kind of way- I forget just how many hard things I’ve already done and that I am on the other side of now. It’s a powerful thing to be able to pause and briefly look back at just how very fucking far you’ve come. Summon up your inner badass, the one inside you who helped you push through and grow past those old obstacles. Remind yourself: Yes, Love, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. Once you’ve taken that in, breathe deep and…
Me: Be Your Own SHEro👊🏼 Also Me: Capricorn on the cusp of Sagittarius ✌️ Still Me: Pray, Meditate, Believe, Manifest 🙏 A word for my fellow coaches: I’ve been a spiritual seeker all of my life, and was fascinated by astrology, witchcraft and the occult as a kid, even as I was going to Sunday School in a little baptist church with my bestie and her family. My parents always encouraged me to explore the world through books and research, and never forced any particular religious views on me though they both had traditional religion as part of their own…
Sometimes, usually when I am trying something new or stretching myself in some kind of way- I forget just how many hard things I’ve already done and am on the other side of now. It’s a powerful thing to be able to pause and briefly look back at just how very fucking far you’ve come. Summon up your inner badass, the one inside you who helped you push through and grow past those old obstacles. Remind yourself that, Yes, Love, YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. Once you’ve taken that in, breathe deep and step forward into your new next level.…
How do I know that I’m living the Dream? When I’m sitting in my cozy home office, recording a Sparkle Hour podcast episode with my beloved cousin and one of our hot shit dream guests, and I suddenly get a surprise drop in from my son… delivering me a gift of Venti deliciousness and $$! I have a million more reasons to be grateful and tons of evidence that I’m living my dream life, and I want that for you, too. Big wins + little luxuries, joy + ecstasy, mind-blowing wonder + everyday eternal wisdom. Life abundantly lived. You, shining.…
One of the things I enjoy the most about being an entrepreneur is the seemingly magical ability to create a career that I love. After decades of working for others, always learning & growing, testing & changing, and leaping faithfully into new ventures of my own, as a Life Coach I am grateful to be rooted in work that supports me financially & emotionally, beautifully uses all of my gifts, talents, & experiences, and fits perfectly into my schedule. I get to write, create, talk, share, teach, travel, learn, encourage, inspire, and empower. I get to try and fail and…
Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes, you disappoint other people- or even Yourself. An important key to healing is to allow the uncomfortable feelings, and learn the lessons that are presented in the situation without falling down into a pit of negativity. Instead of choosing blame or shame, try choosing to see one thing that you can be grateful for- one positive lesson that you can take away and build on for the next time. Today's #MondayMantra is a positive mindset shift for when you are facing disappointment. "Even when I am disappointed, I can be grateful for the lessons learned."…
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