Written by Angela L. Todd, Guest Author An old Wiccan saying says, “What is remembered, lives.” And I preface that with what is saved, is remembered. If you’re here, you’re likely drawn to the fringes of culture, not mainstream ideas and lifestyles. These all have important places in world history. “Different” paths such as Wiccans, Pagans, astrologers, alternative spiritualities, and other fringe dwellers aren’t often included in our collective histories. Historical documents and original materials saved in historical societies and archives are the raw materials for those histories. But who is doing the saving? Historically, those who have been inspired…
Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly If you are just getting started on your witches path, you’ve probably begun hearing about the Wheel of the Year. You might even be familiar with some of the names of the different sabbats such as Samhain or Yule that make up the points on the Wheel. This article is designed as an introduction, and gives you some quick insights to help you along the way. It’s not by any means an in depth look, but a helpful beginner’s guide. The Wheel of the Year is a calendar that describes the cyclical nature of…
Weekends are sacred in our home, a time for resting, relaxing, and restoring our bodies & souls. We take care of one another, just as much as we take care of ourselves. Sometimes that looks like tucking ourselves away, and sometimes it looks like yesterday did. Yesterday was a gorgeous, get outside, enjoy some fresh air & sunshine, get a little bit spoiled kind of day. Both are necessary. We visited our favorite fancy restaurant- the place where we were engaged- which has recently reopened with modifications to protect the health guests and staff. Then, we made our way down…
In my understanding of The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity, the First Pillar is Whole-Self Love, which is about understanding & healing our connection to the Self. This is tremendously important in its own right, and it is essential to do the work of Whole-Self Love for us to move forward successfully to the Second Pillar: Serving With Joy, which is all about our connection with community. (You can read about The First Pillar here if you missed it) In this third part of the current series, we wrap up our look at the Second Pillar by understanding why serving…
In the first part of this article series, I wrote about the different types of community and invited you to identify what your current connections might look like. Then, I asked you to think about and make a list of the different communities you currently belong to. In order to begin to bridge the gaps in your community, you have to first look at your answers to the following questions: How do I fit in to each space? What are my roles in each space? What are some of the ways that I contribute and serve in each space? Are…
The 2nd Pillar of Transformational Positivity is Serving With Joy, which is about how we find connection within community. Let’s start by taking a quick look at what “community” actually means beyond simply being a group of people. There are 4 basic types to consider: Common Interest: Communities of people who share the same recreational interest or passion. Action Based: Communities of people trying to bring about change. Place/Circumstance: Communities of people brought together by geographical/familial boundaries. Professional/Practicing: Communities of people in the same profession. These 4 basic categories are not mutually exclusive, and there can be overlap (Common Interest…
TRANSFORMATIONAL POSITIVITY is a set of healing tools and positive practices used to form a framework for manifesting, experiencing, and supporting our Deep, Personal Transformation within these 4 key areas: Self, Community, Nature, and Spirit. The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity represent the most important relationships of our human existence, with each one relating to and supporting one of the 4 key areas. The 4 Pillars Transformational Positivity is upheld by 4 distinct aspects that I like to refer to as pillars. These pillars represent our connections to Self, Community, Nature, and Spirituality. Each one is vital for our personal…
Hello Loves! I’ve been working on some awesome creative projects for the summer/fall, and over the weekend I came up against a gnarly block that put me on pause and required some extra effort in personal development, self care, and deep healing. If you’re curious, here’s what my steps looked like: 1- Feel something unpleasant 2- Ask for help 3- Receive help 4- Accept help 5- Process unpleasantness 6- Heal a layer of self Thank you, Friends, for sharing your beautiful, kind, funny and cheerful words when I most needed them. Please know how powerful your words and your compassion…
Once I realized that I am not just “weird” but that in fact I am a Beautiful Weirdo, well honey everything else just fell into place around me. I stopped trying to be anyone other than my own self, in all of my wonderful weirdness, because THAT is my special sauce. I own my sky-high optimism, and my self-searching shadowy moments of fear & doubt. I shit rainbows and hold space for people in my faerie dust, covered in golden Light and wrapped in unstoppable, unbreakable Love. I believe in believing in you, in me, and in our own immeasurable…
Community building through awakening
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