Bad cops killing citizens, Bad citizens killing cops, and round and round we go.
Bad citizens killing innocent citizens in mass shootings.
People being profiled & violently targeted for their skin color, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
Terrorist militants killing innocent civilians. ENOUGH ALREADY
I don’t know all the facts, but I do know this: It’s NOT ok. It has to STOP.
Can we please create a space of peace and love for life? Can we build bridges of tolerance and understanding instead of walls of fear?
Some will say I’m too emotional, too soft; that I don’t understand, that I’m too white or too female or too whatever to have an opinion on this. Okay. Yes- I’m a soft, emotional, white American female, and I’m strong as hell.
I will never give up hope, and I will continue to use my voice to uplift others, empower women, encourage goodness and spread peace. I will look for and create opportunities to love others daily whatever their color, gender, religion, sexuality, politics, age, weight, sports team or favorite breakfast cereal. I will never stop caring about life and the freedom to live the life you choose in peace & safety, because THAT is what matters. It matters for all of us. ❤️
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