Even in the hardest of times and in the most challenging circumstances, even in sadness, even in disappointment, there is always something to be grateful for. You may have to dig deeper or look out farther, but treasure is there.
On the days when praise comes easily, be generous with your attitude of gratitude. Allow that positivity to flow through you and out to everyone around you. Share stories that are uplifting, smile, speak words of kindness and hope. Be a little lighthouse in a dreary world.
On the days when you are really struggling, sad, disappointed, scared- you can still find something positive to focus on, even if just for a moment of hope, but you must actively choose to do so. Reach out on those hardest days and let someone touch your heart with a word of hope.
Today’s Mantra is for you on the hard days, and on the easy days: “Today I Choose Gratitude.”
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