My life is full of love and joy.
blessings - brain training - inspiration - Mantras - Monday Mantra

#MondayMantra : Love & Joy

I was able to sneak away this past weekend for a sweet rendezvous with my beloved.  Every moment together, wherever we are and whatever we may be doing, there is just so much love and so much joy between us.
heart stick
Love on the end of a stir stick

It’s the kind of special that I’ve wanted to experience for my whole life, and I’m forever grateful that I get to feel it now.  I recognize the privilege I’ve had for the past 3+ years, and now that I’m in it, I honestly never want it to end.  It’s just so sweet!

Love & Joy are not exclusive to happy couples though.  Whatever your relationship status may be, Love & Joy can fill your life if you create space for them, welcome them in, and nurture them daily.

Starting today, speak this mantra over your life: “My life is full of Love & Joy.”

Monday Mantra: My Life is Full of Love and Joy
Monday Mantra: My Life is Full of Love and Joy