Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly
October Full Hunter Moon
The first full moon of the Fall is known as the Hunter Moon. It is also sometimes called the Blood Moon, not because of a lunar eclipse but because this moon rises before the sun has fully set… casting a reddish hue on Lady Luna as she rises into the evening sky.
You may have felt another surge of energy happening around you, if not within you, due to the collective energetic pushes around the world. The uprisings, the revolutions, the intense power-struggles are A LOT so if you’re feeling affected, please take all the quiet moments that you can for rest.
If you are able to get away for a day or 2, make. it. happen. Do something fun and light and creative. Be sure to put up your protective wards for your home before you go, and bubble yourself up energetically.
We will be able to experience the full moon energy this weekend from Saturday October 8-Tuesday October 11. Astrologically speaking, the moon is moving from the pensive & deep sign of Pisces, into the fiery LFG energy of Aries and finishing up in headstrong Taurus during this 4-day phase, while the Sun remains in beautiful, balanced Libra through October 22.

Manifest It!
This is an especially powerful Full Moon for doing your manifesting work. It’s the last Full Moon before the second “eclipse season” of 2022, which kicks off on October 25 with a partial solar eclipse. The final eclipse of 2022 will be a total lunar eclipse November 7-8. So what does this mean? Eclipses symbolize periods of dramatic change & transformation, so use this time to plan out what you want to change & transform. Visualize, spellcast, and call it in.
The overall theme associated with this moon is Abundance. Hallelujah & Yes, Please. So the thing with Abundance is that it is so much more than *just* mindset. It is recognizing that there is more than enough for all. It is embracing what is yours without shame or resistance. It is recalling and embodying the energy of Abundance with all of your senses.
We know from experience that times of abundance tend to ebb and flow, that is why we are keen to celebrate it while it is present. Feast now, and also prepare for the leaner times ahead. It’s all a cycle, just like our monthly lunations show us over and over again.
Each Full Moon invites us to celebrate the work we’ve done and how far we’ve come. As you know I am a big fan of celebrating all the wins, big and small, along the way. During your own times of reflection this week, take stock of how crazy-far you’ve come this year. Babe, you’ve already got 10 months worth of Wins this year… big & small! Every single one of them counts and has brought you to this most amazing version of You.

10 Full Moon Activities For Witchy Folk
- Make an effort to purify your work space, magick space, pleasure space, and sleep space this week.
- Notice where the energy feels “off”, stuffy, or stagnant and cleanse it with incense, sound, or a blast of fresh air.
- Soak your body in a large tub of warm water, surrounded by candlelight & flowers
- Give your magickal tools/crystals a refreshing moonlight “bath” outside or on a windowsill (no water required!)
- Make a new batch of full moon water by filling a large jar with fresh water and placing it out under the moonlight.
- Dance, Move Your Body, Celebrate!
- Gather with other practitioners & magickal folk as you are able
- Place 7 silver coins in a bowl of water & leave it outside in the moonlight to attract money
- Get a tarot or oracle card reading
- Call in Love! Burn a red candle with your name etched into it. For extra oomph, dress the candle in dried crushed rose petals.
Want my free 10 Full Moon Activities for Witchy Folk infographic/grimoire page? Click here to download

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