Loves, I am so looking forward to a few days of deep rest, how about you?
Winding down the year for me means attending a few holiday celebrations, managing my stress levels by guarding my personal boundaries, celebrating my birthday (12/22) and enjoying a few days off with my sweetheart before welcoming in a new year.
I LOVE my year-end rituals, which often include a love letter to the year passing; daydreaming and future-writing; choosing a Word, phrase or mantra for the coming year; a long, sensual soak in the tub; and a fire ceremony, to name a few. Some of these I have done forever, some I’ve picked up and set down and picked up again over the years. All are personal and powerful and so, so magical.
I’m very, VERY excited for the year to come, but I won’t rush these final few days of 2019 away. Each one is precious, and filled with blessings. I hope that you will also take the time to embrace each day, enjoy your own supportive rituals, and sprinkle some magic in along the way. 💖🦋

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