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Harnessing the Magic of the Solar Eclipse: A Guide for Witches

The solar eclipse is one of the most powerful celestial events in the magickal calendar. When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, it casts a shadow that turns day into night, creating a surreal moment of cosmic alignment. For witches, this is a rare opportunity to tap into potent energies and transform intentions into reality.

The next solar eclipse will be the annular “Ring of Fire” occurring October 2, 2024. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your witchcraft journey, here’s how to make the most of this cosmic phenomenon. NOTE: Don’t be reckless and try to watch a solar eclipse with your naked eyes. Always wear eclipse glasses.

The Magic of Eclipses: Duality and Transformation

A solar eclipse embodies the concept of duality: the Sun and the Moon, light and shadow, day and night. It’s a time when opposites converge, creating a liminal space where transformation is not only possible but inevitable. In this sacred window, witches can work to bring balance to their lives, embrace change, and manifest their deepest desires.

Key Energies of the Solar Eclipse:

  • Shadow Work: Eclipses bring hidden things to light. It’s the perfect time for self-reflection and uncovering truths you may have been avoiding. Shadow work during this time can help you face fears, resolve internal conflicts, and heal.
  • New Beginnings: Solar Eclipses coincide with the New Moon, a time traditionally associated with fresh starts, planting seeds, and setting intentions. Use this powerful energy to initiate personal growth or begin a new magical practice.
  • Release and Renewal: Just as the Sun and Moon shift into alignment, we too can align our energy, letting go of old habits or past relationships that no longer serve us. The darkness of the eclipse symbolizes a cleansing, making way for renewal and growth.
spooky witch among candles during ritual
Photo by Erik Mclean on

Solar Eclipse Rituals for Witches

Whether you practice in a group or alone, there are many ways to connect with the energies of the eclipse. Here are a few ideas for eclipse rituals and spellwork:

1. Eclipse Meditation:

Find a quiet spot outdoors or in a sacred space. As the eclipse begins, ground yourself and focus on connecting with your breathing. Visualize the shadow of the Moon moving across the Sun, taking with it any negative energy, doubts, or blockages in your life. As the Sun reappears, feel yourself filled with renewed strength and clarity.

2. Sun and Moon Candle Spell:

You’ll need one black candle (for the Moon) and one gold or white candle (for the Sun). Light the black candle as the eclipse begins, symbolizing the shadow that’s being cast over your life. Meditate on what you wish to release. As the Sun starts to return, light the gold or white candle, focusing on what you want to bring into your life. Let both candles burn out completely to signify the completion of the eclipse cycle. NOTE: The colors of the candles are much less important than your intentions. Use whatever you have handy, don’t feel like your magick won’t work if the colors are “wrong” or whatever.

3. Create an Eclipse Talisman:

Craft a talisman using stones like obsidian (for shadow work) and citrine (for solar energy). Charge it during the eclipse by holding it in your hands and speaking your intentions into it. This talisman can act as a personal tool for protection, transformation, or empowerment until the next celestial event.

BONUS: Check out my Eclipse Energy tarot spread for some fun personal insights!

Magical Correspondences for the Solar Eclipse

To enhance your spells and rituals, here are some key correspondences aligned with the solar eclipse:

Colors: Black, gold, silver, white

Herbs: Mugwort (for third-eye vision and insight), sunflower (for solar energy), lavender or chamomile (for calm and clarity)

Crystals: Obsidian (protection and shadow work), moonstone (intuition and divine feminine energy), citrine (manifestation and solar power)

Deities: Sun gods like Apollo, Ra, or Helios; moon goddesses like Selene, Artemis, or Hecate

Elements: Fire (Sun) and Water (Moon), representing the balance of passion and emotion

A Word of Caution: Energy of Disruption

While this is a time of heightened energy, it’s also a period where the veil between the seen and unseen is thinner, making it important to ground and protect yourself. It’s wise to use a reasonable amount of caution in your magick, while balancing playfulness and curiosity.

Solar eclipses can feel powerful but also somewhat uncomfortable. Their energy is intense, and for some it can feel chaotic or disruptive. Some practitioners choose not to do certain things during an eclipse, such as make moon water or charge crystals. You should always do what feels best for YOU, rather than worry about perfectly copying what some random witch on the internet does in their own practice.

If you are open to working within the energy of chaos, rather than trying to micromanage and control it, you may find yourself better able to release long-held blocks. Focus on long-term intentions rather than immediate, short-term desires.

Closing Thoughts

As witches, we are deeply connected to the cycles of the cosmos, and the solar eclipse offers a rare chance to align with forces far beyond our daily lives. Whether you seek transformation, healing, or empowerment, the magic of the solar eclipse can amplify your intentions and guide you toward the next chapter in your magickal journey. Prepare your altar, gather your tools, and get ready to harness the transformative power of the eclipse. Brightest Blessings!

Michelle Lewis (she/her/they) is the creator & founder of The Blessings Butterfly, a holistic coaching & energy healing practice that is teaching people to live a life that they love. She is a writer, speaker, energy witch/healer, and author of the Amazon bestselling positive affirmation books, The Blessings Butterfly and The Blessings Butterfly Companion Guide.