It’s the driving force behind my new health and wellness project, The Cocoon – Empowered Transformation, and the reason I have been videoing myself doing a series of workouts- even though I don’t have a model’s face, a trainer’s body, and a studio to produce high-quality videos.
It’s just me, my message, and occasional photobombs from my cats. (Apparently they love it when I practice yoga.)
My message to myself, to other women, and ultimately to girls growing up in a world where enormous pressure to look a specific way in order to be valued is this: Bravely love yourself, exactly as you are.
In this photo, I was 30 lbs heavier than my “goal weight”. Even though at that point I had already dropped 50 lbs, I still didn’t feel “good enough”. What kind of nonsense is that? What kind of pressure do we put on ourselves to look a certain way, and what kinds of horrible things do we say to ourselves when we don’t measure up? It’s crazy. It HAS to stop.
So, I will dig deep and pull on my big girl panties and bravely love myself- exactly as I am. I will be vulnerable and real and I will cheer you on and walk beside you as you learn to bravely love yourself, too.