Start here if you missed Part 1 of this series. It is always my goal to learn, to grow, to flourish and thrive in every way possible. That certainly includes spiritually, thus my ever-present desire to connect deeply with others on a spiritual level. I want to take a closer look at some ways to experience a connection to Spirit that may seem unconventional. I’m talking about connecting spiritually with trees, plants, animals, mountains, oceans, rocks, stars, planets, angels, ancestors, and all manner of deities, not just the rock-stars of the major religions. I’m interested in going beyond the sacred…
The Fourth Pillar: EXPLORING [YOUR] DIVINITY [Key Area = Connecting with Spirit] What does your current connection to divinity look like? How does spirituality support/inform your daily life? Where do you experience the Divine? Are you able to separate religion and doctrine from spiritual practices? If you could SEE your own Spirit, your life-force, your essence- how would you describe it? What does she/he/they look like? Do you know the guides and energies on your spiritual support team, your Spirit Council, and how to connect with them? Whenever I am conducting a 4 Pillars Assessment with a client during a…
In my last post, I shared an overview of the 3rd Pillar of Transformational Positivity: Natural Harmony, which is all about our Connection to Nature. Today, I want to share a bit about the ways I am integrating and incorporating natural elements in and around my home to help strengthen and enhance my 3rd Pillar. If you would prefer to watch my videos on this topic, you can check out my new YouTube videos here: The 3rd Pillar: Natural Harmony = Our Connection to Nature; How Can We Create More Natural Harmony? ; Strengthen Your 3rd Pillar: Integrating and Incorporating…
The patterns, variety, and perfect cycles found within the Natural world have been an endless source of awe, inspiration and rejuvenation since the dawn of time.
It has been a time that has forced my overly active performance based perfectionist ass to SIT. DOWN.
Weekends are sacred in our home, a time for resting, relaxing, and restoring our bodies & souls. We take care of one another, just as much as we take care of ourselves. Sometimes that looks like tucking ourselves away, and sometimes it looks like yesterday did. Yesterday was a gorgeous, get outside, enjoy some fresh air & sunshine, get a little bit spoiled kind of day. Both are necessary. We visited our favorite fancy restaurant- the place where we were engaged- which has recently reopened with modifications to protect the health guests and staff. Then, we made our way down…
Listen: For the past week, I took part in a small social experiment on Instagram and Facebook called #amplifymelanatedvoices and it has been powerfully eye-opening. The premise was to center, promote, and amplify the messages of Black activists and artists while simultaneously putting our own messages on pause and truly listening to what they have to say. Without the need to draw attention back to ourselves, our opinions, our perspectives, our excuses, our discomfort. Just… listen. And then, lift up. Because the truth is that Black people in America have been telling us the same message, over and over, in…
An Anti-Racist Rant From A Nice White Lady This week has been exceptionally messy, both for me personally in my healing from cancer journey, and in the much larger context of people absolutely fucking fed up with the cancer of continued mistreatment of our Black brothers and sisters in this country due to our inherently racist, white-supremacist systems of government, law enforcement, judiciary, and all the exceptional privileges that come with being born in a white-skinned body. Fed up with not being heard. Still with me? Cool. Let’s go a little further. I have taken my DNA test. I know…
Whew! Well Loves, this has been an interesting month, hey? We’re entering the New Moon phase, which is all about rest, introspection, and new beginnings. It has me wondering: •What does Rest look like for you right now? •What have you been learning about yourself in the past month? •What new beginnings are you preparing for? I’ll start:REST for me has been very much about allowing my body to recover from the first round of chemo. It’s looked like saying “No” or “Not Now” to everything that I can, instead of my usual recovering Type A habit of pushing myself…
In my understanding of The 4 Pillars of Transformational Positivity, the First Pillar is Whole-Self Love, which is about understanding & healing our connection to the Self. This is tremendously important in its own right, and it is essential to do the work of Whole-Self Love for us to move forward successfully to the Second Pillar: Serving With Joy, which is all about our connection with community. (You can read about The First Pillar here if you missed it) In this third part of the current series, we wrap up our look at the Second Pillar by understanding why serving…
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