The moral of the story is not to wait for your life’s conditions to be perfect. Do the things and have the fun TODAY and every “today” that follows! ❤️
Did you know that a healthy diet should include plenty of “good” fats every day? It’s true! The real enemy is sugar… it’s sneaky, hiding in plain sight. But YOU have the power- read your food labels, pay attention to what you eat, and teach yourself to make the choices that are truly best for you. ❤️
Personal growth is sometimes painful but it is always positive. I’m able to renew physicality, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I love to start my day with a fresh, energy-boosting smoothie. Perfect for a quick and easy breakfast for people who don’t like to eat breakfast or think they don’t have enough time. Takes 5 minutes or less! Fresh fruit (banana, strawberries or raspberries) 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt 1 cup coconut water Blend and enjoy!
Friends, emotional eating (from feeling fearful, sad, angry, or whatever overwhelming thing we are feeling) is something that can be managed and overcome when we learn how to access the tools we need. It definitely takes practice and lots of support to “retrain our brain” but it is TOTALLY doable! I’ve been actively at work on my own emotional issues and how I can respond to stress differently than I did for so many years. It’s a powerful process, not always easy- but the healing that has taken place and the strategies I’ve gained are worth the effort. I’ve learned…
I’m facing down one of the scariest weeks of my life, or so it feels like. I’m launching my new program next week, and it’s down to the last few days to finish shooting and editing videos, being completely real and raw and vulnerable in them. My face. My body. My voice. My message. The voice of self-doubt has been nagging and trying to sideline me for days, the butterflies in my belly feel more like dragons, and procrastinating seems like a viable option. But not today. Today, I will face my fears- of rejection, of harsh criticism, of failure- and…
Maybe it’s because I have a 7 day break from my part time office job, which means I get to stay home-sweet-home and create exciting new content for all of MY wonderful projects… Maybe it’s knowing I get a much needed break from soul crushing traffic… Maybe it’s getting to enjoy precious extra cuddle time with my (old) kitties while they are still with me… All I know is that it’s Friday, and I feel more calm and relaxed than I have in months.
Today’s mantra is all about confidence. Take yourself to the next level up in your health, your practice, your education, your career, or your passion project. Mantra: I am ready to go to the next level.
It’s been the kind of week where I am questioning my every decision one minute to pushing my own limits the next. Question. Push. Question. Push. Mild panic. Deeper questions, push back harder. I have a message to share, and it equally emboldens me and terrifies me. It’s the driving force behind my new health and wellness project, The Cocoon – Empowered Transformation, and the reason I have been videoing myself doing a series of workouts- even though I don’t have a model’s face, a trainer’s body, and a studio to produce high-quality videos. It’s just me, my message, and…
With every goal, there are obstacles along the way. Do not be discouraged but instead seize each opportunity to dig deep and believe in yourself. You can accomplish whatever you set out to achieve! Mantra: Today is a great day to believe in myself.
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