My body loves to move! It loves to walk, wiggle, jiggle, skip, stretch, dance, sway, and sashay. It loves to stroll, roll, slide, swim, shimmy, stomp, step, soar and so much more! Today, to the best of your ability, give your body permission to have fun. Release any stagnant energy and refresh yourself with a good stretch. Move in ways that feel good to you. Work up a sweat. Appreciate your muscles doing their thing, supporting you in complete freedom. Movement feels so good!
Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. In my program The Cocoon, I challenge the notion that bigger, fatter, or less flexible bodies are not as good as smaller, thinner, or more bendy bodies! FACT: You are Beautiful already, exactly as you are. Now let me help you believe it and see for yourself! If you are ready to kick-start your own healthier lifestyle & start loving the body you’re living in, I invite you to join me for my upcoming FREE 5-in-5 MiniSession! I’ll show you how just 5 minutes a day can improve your mindset, strength, &…
Happy Solstice, Loves! Here in the Northern Hemisphere it is the first day of summer, and being a Southern California girl, for me that means pure magic and l-o-v-e. ❤️ The warmer weather naturally makes me want to wear fewer (and lighter) clothes. Bare arms! Fluttery skirts! Swimwear! Booty shorts! …Okay, that last one stays indoors and only in front of the cats and/or the boyfriend. Now, I realize this is easier wished for than done when you are dealing with body image issues- something until recently I struggled with most of my life. I’ve done the work of going…
The real superheroes are the people who continue to create beauty, build bridges of tolerance & acceptance, and express love in spite of the negativity in the world around them. Don’t worry about the haters. Continue to pour love into your world today, tomorrow, and every day. ❤️💜💙💚💛
All over this beautiful world, there are dark waves of sadness, tragedy, pain and suffering. I believe that at the roots of these is a bitter and stagnant pool of hatred, ignorance and apathy. It would be easy to give up, to stop caring, to give in. But there is another way. A more challenging & rewarding way. A more excellent way. A more powerful & beautiful way. I choose to stand on the side of Love, and I invite you to stand with me. Today and everyday, I Choose Love.
If you ever forget your WHY, look around yourself carefully. Stay motivated. Stay focused. Hang on to the vision and see it through! You’ve got this.
Here’s a great mantra to start off your week: “I embrace my vision of a bright future, and it is so!” Photo courtesy of Michael Powell Photography
I’m always amazed by the incredibly gifted people in my world. Today I want to give a shout out to multi-talented photographer, musician and dear friend, Michael Powell. Holla! Michael and I became friends years ago when he was playing guitar in a mutual friend’s band (more on Josie and her current band Eye the Realist another day). We bonded over LOST, a.k.a. one of the best TV series ever. I bawled my eyes out on his couch during the Series Finale. Oh, and it was a party so there were quite a few people there watching me totally meltdown……
Yesterday I shared my exciting news that Frisky Fish Essentials has curated a special TRANSFORMATION Trio set for some lucky Blessings Butterfly fans (enter below for your chance to win). Each 3-piece set includes one rollerball bottle each of these wonderful, locally hand-blended scents: Uncensored, Supernatural, and Fly. Today I get to share that Frisky Fish Essentials is also holding a 3-day Flash Sale over on! I’m stoked to share this with you because 1) I love sharing good things with and for friends, and 2) the products are things that I actually use and love- so I believe…
Gor Approves!
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