In the wake of any disaster, whether natural or man made, the most immediate need is the lifesaving work of the first responder. Assess the situation, bring relief, create safety. Rebuilding and healing for individuals and communities comes later. [Disaster Strikes] During the national election results on Tuesday November 8, I was a complete wreck and in so much shock. Disbelief. Total meltdown. The truth is that the bubble I had unknowingly created for myself had been burst, and I was left feeling frightened, betrayed, raw, and very, very vulnerable. The reason I didn’t realize I had created a…
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Today, half of my country is celebrating. Or if they are not actually celebrating, they are at least relieved that their candidate won. They feel that their voice was heard. If you are among the people in this category, I do offer my congratulations and send my love. Today, half of my country is devastated. As I watched in shock and complete disbelief last night, I felt so much sadness and pain for the sharp division. And in many ways, the world around us is kinda freaking out.…
Y’all, I just love my son so damn much! In 29 years he’s never really asked for “stuff” for birthdays or Christmas gifts. Maybe it’s because we were SO POOR and scraping to get by for so many years. Maybe it’s because he’s just a beautiful human despite all the odds stacked against him. All I know is, he’s hella hard to shop for and I couldn’t be more proud: I love you, Joe! ❤️ Would you like to join my private email list? It’s where I share awesomeness with my tribe of wild & beautiful butterfly souls.
I’m SUPER STOKED to share about someone who has almost always been a part of my life, but through the magic of Facebook we connected as adults and realized that we have an even deeper bond than just our family ties. My interview today is with my beautiful, brilliant and amazing cousin, Nicole Lewis-Keeber. YAY! She and I grew up on opposite coasts and only saw each other very sporadically as kids, on the few occasions our family was able to travel from Southern California back to my father’s roots in North Carolina. Here’s a snapshot of Nicole and the…
Sometimes you come across a person who exudes such compassion, kindness, peacefulness and genuine love for others that it makes you pause and wonder: How did they get to this place? Such is the case with my friend Rachel. She and I connected online through an exercise challenge; she lives in Wales, I am in the US. The energy and support within this online group was AMAZING. Truly supportive and really beautiful! The challenge ended, but several (hundred) of us, mostly women, wanted to remain connected so Rachel soon formed a spin-off group that kept the conversations and support going.…
Hello Loves! I am so excited to bring back my “Friday Faves” for the month of October. My first interview is with my longtime friend, Alana. We have known each other for many years, and though our lives keep us super busy, we still get together once or twice a year face to face with a few special girlfriends. Usually we can only keep up with each other through the magic of Facebook, but I’ll take it! She’s a wonderful woman, super creative, and I can’t wait to introduce you to her. Your Name: Alana Hinojosa Name of Your Business/Company/Product/Project:…
Can we all please just STOP with the constant killing each other? Bad cops killing citizens, Bad citizens killing cops, and round and round we go. Bad citizens killing innocent citizens in mass shootings. People being profiled & violently targeted for their skin color, religious beliefs or sexual identity. Terrorist militants killing innocent civilians. ENOUGH ALREADY I don’t know all the facts, but I do know this: It’s NOT ok. It has to STOP. Can we please create a space of peace and love for life? Can we build bridges of tolerance and understanding instead of walls of fear? Some…
In this special Liberty Edition (it is Independence Day here in the US) it seems fitting to me to focus once again on gratitude. I am more than grateful, actually. I love my life and I want more & more of it! I want to enjoy and feel and dream, explore and create and love. And the magical thing is this: the happier I am with who I am, the more I truly enjoy where I’m at in life. I’m grateful for where I am and despite any disappointment or pain, I Love My Life!
My water bottle shared great wisdom with me this morning. I am reminded that when we create peace within, we can then live it out and share with those around us. If the troubles around the world are weighing heavily on you, take heart. There is hope. Affirm with me: I won’t be overcome by the doom and gloom. I will create peace in my head and my heart. I will create peace wherever I am. ❤️
My body loves to move! It loves to walk, wiggle, jiggle, skip, stretch, dance, sway, and sashay. It loves to stroll, roll, slide, swim, shimmy, stomp, step, soar and so much more! Today, to the best of your ability, give your body permission to have fun. Release any stagnant energy and refresh yourself with a good stretch. Move in ways that feel good to you. Work up a sweat. Appreciate your muscles doing their thing, supporting you in complete freedom. Movement feels so good!
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