• Miscellaneous

    Michelle Lewis The Blessings Butterfly Appears on the Money Mantra Podcast

    At the beginning of the year (maybe it was the end of last year??) I was invited to speak as a guest on the new Money Mantra podcast. It was my first podcast interview, and I was nervous about what I would share and how I would sound and all of that insecure stuff that comes with allowing some vulnerability into your life. Mostly, though, I was excited!  I was excited for the opportunity to share a little sliver of my expertise, my passion, and my story with a wider audience and get the message of Self Love and Healing…

  • Coaching - Miscellaneous

    Shedding My Cocoon

    Friends, I am writing to you to share some changes I am making in my life and my business that I am excited about, even though there is also some sadness and a little bit of fear around them. Like a caterpillar making the transition to a butterfly, it involves leaving behind part of me so I can spread my wings and grow further into my beautiful purpose. I look forward to sharing this transformation with you. As part of this transition, the time has come for me to close down my first signature program, The Cocoon – Empowered Transformation. I…

  • Miscellaneous

    #FridayFeels Sunny

    This #fridayfeels warm, sunny, and silly! Got to spend the morning at the Living Desert exhibit and yes, I feed and got kissed by this giraffe. The desert is hot AF and kicked my ass, but I had a great time with my sweetheart.* *Not pictured. #theblessingsbutterfly #iambeingboss #randr #desert #wildlife #giraffe #conservation

  • healthy - Miscellaneous

    Home Office: Eat Easy

    Feelin' Just Peachy, thank you very much! Easy foods that fuel my hustle today for breakfast: Peaches-n-Cream Smoothie + Peaches-n-Cream Overnight Oats. I like to use vanilla almond milk for my liquid in both of these recipes. So good! Of all the many great things about working from home and owning my own businesses (making my own hours, zero commute, self-reliance, full creativity… leggings… pets…) there is one big pitfall that nobody really warns you about: you might start to eat like shit. As in, forget to eat for half the day and then look up from your project in…

  • healthy - inspiration - life challenge - Miscellaneous

    The Sometimes Vegetarian

    I'm taking a break from eating meat. Initially I thought I would just give up beef, then all red meat, then white meat and seafood. It's a decision that I had been wrestling with for a good while, and knew that I would be able to easily leave meat out of my diet when I was ready, and when my body stopped craving it. It feels really good. I still very much enjoy fresh eggs (thanks to Buffy and Ethyl, my sweet hens!) and I very much crave dairy, so I'm not ready to let those go. I'm just listening…

  • inspiration - Miscellaneous

    [How I Became The Blessings Butterfly, Prequel] Dirty Laundry: My Early Childhood Trauma and How It Led to All Those Bad Decisions

    Loves, I’ll tell you right now that this is not an easy post to write, and you 100% do not have to read any further. My “backstory” has some gross, ugly parts to it, and maybe yours does too.The shit I’m about to share here is highly sensitive and may be painful and/or triggering, so please know that I love you and I do not wish to cause any harm. This is Me, sharing my truth. This is Me, casting a light on the darkest parts of my story. This is Me, standing up in VICTORY over the deep hurts…

  • Miscellaneous

    #FridayFeels Expanding 

    When you begin to listen to the voice inside of you- your soul, your inner wisdom, your deepest and highest self- you will find that it creates both a challenge & an opportunity.  The Challenge is whether or not to ignore the calling inside of you, to play it safe, to maintain the status quo and remain neatly inside the lines. You can absolutely do this for the rest of your life, if you so choose. The Opportunity is to begin listening to the calling inside of you; to take some risks by daring to write a new story about…

  • life challenge - Miscellaneous

    My Plea on International Women’s Day

    Today, March 8, is a day celebrated for more than a century now as International Women’s Day. In it’s earliest iteration, it was founded as “International Working Women’s Day” and was actually linked back to the American Socialist Party.  To be crystal clear, I am NOT a Socialist.  But I most definitely am a Woman, and I choose to support, elevate, empower and celebrate women around the world today and every day. In 2017, I’m astonished that so many women in my own country and around the globe still lack equality and in so many parts of the world, basic…

  • brain training - inspiration - Podcast - self help

    New Podcast Coming! Stay Tuned for The Sparkle Hour

    I’m SO excited to announce that The Blessings Butterfly and Nicole Lewis-Keeber Coaching have teamed up to create something extra special for our fans: a new podcast!  We are currently recording our first season and we would LOVE to hear from you about what topics, tools, tips and tricks you want to hear about the most. The Sparkle Hour is a fun and powerful podcast designed to engage, inform, and empower smart women. We speak primarily to women who want to have a stronger mindset around themselves and their money, learn how to navigate the rough times, and set themselves…