• Astrology - Miscellaneous - Tarot - Witchy

    2025 Tarot Card of the Year: The Hermit

    The Hermit Tarot Card: A Journey of Inner Reflection The Hermit, the ninth card in the Major Arcana of the tarot deck, is one of profound introspection, solitude, and wisdom. With its mysterious imagery and deep spiritual meaning, it invites seekers to embark on an inner journey, exploring the depths of their soul and discovering hidden truths. Whether you’re a seasoned tarot reader or new to the deck, understanding The Hermit’s symbolism can offer valuable insights into your life’s path. Let’s take a quick look at the themes and symbolism, and then see how this energy plays into the year…

  • Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - New Moon - Witchy

    Harnessing the Magic of the Solar Eclipse: A Guide for Witches

    UPDATED: March 2025- The solar eclipse is one of the most powerful celestial events in the magickal calendar. When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, it casts a shadow that turns day into night, creating a surreal moment of cosmic alignment. For witches, this is a rare opportunity to tap into potent energies and transform intentions into reality. The next solar eclipse will be a partial eclipse occurring during sunrise on March 29, 2025. For those living in Eastern Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Europe, North/West Africa it will be visible. It will be far less dramatic than an…

  • Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Tarot - Witchy

    Eclipse Season 2024 (With Free Eclipse Tarot Spread)

    By Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly If you’ve spent any time dabbling in astrology or even casually connecting with witchy, pagan, and magickal folk then you’ve undoubtedly heard some buzz about the start of Eclipse Season. But what does that even mean? Don’t worry boo, I got you! Geek out with me for the science and the metaphysical nerdy goodness! [tl/dr: Eclipses are hella cool, scroll down for a free eclipse tarot spread] The Science Part Eclipse seasons occur roughly every six months when the Sun is near the lunar nodes, which are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - Tarot - Witchy

    2024 Tarot Card of the Year: Strength

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly Welcome, 2024! There’s a powerful new energy coming into play this year, so let’s take an esoteric look at it. In today’s article, we’re going to focus on how Numerology and the Tarot come together with a powerful guiding message for the year ahead. In numerology, which is the study of numbers and their spiritual significance, each year holds its own unique energy vibration based on the digits that compose it. In the case of the year 2024, the sum of its digits, 2 + 0 + 2 + 4, equals 8. This numerical composition…

  • Astrology - Community - inspiration - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Fringe Dwellers in the Archives: Wiccans, Pagans, and Astrologers, oh my!
    Alternative Women and Their Histories

    Written by Angela L. Todd, Guest Author An old Wiccan saying says, “What is remembered, lives.” And I preface that with what is saved, is remembered. If you’re here, you’re likely drawn to the fringes of culture, not mainstream ideas and lifestyles. These all have important places in world history. “Different” paths such as Wiccans, Pagans, astrologers, alternative spiritualities, and other fringe dwellers aren’t often included in our collective histories. Historical documents and original materials saved in historical societies and archives are the raw materials for those histories. But who is doing the saving? Historically, those who have been inspired…

  • Astrology - Lunar Magick - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    An Easy Guide to Rose Quartz Moon Water

    Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly Many witches- whether they are new practitioners or have been at their craft for decades- have a bit of a love-affair with the Moon, and with making Moon Water. Myself included! I use Moon Water for many different purposes, and I make it during different lunar phases to suit my needs. I have a handy guide at the end of this article to help you with what each moon phase signifies. If you are reading this around the time of a Full Moon, you’re in luck! Grab your ingredients and make you a batch…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - self help - Tarot - Witchy

    2023: Year of The Chariot

    Written by Kate Sheridan, Guest Author All opinions expressed in this article are the sole perception/experience of the writer, and may not necessarily be shared by Michelle Lewis – The Blessings Butterfly. All Rights Reserved. Have you heard that 2023 is a Chariot year, according to the numerological and symbolic language of the tarot? All we have to do is add up the digits in the year — 2+0+2+3 — and we get 7, The Chariot. Last year was a 6 year, The Lovers, and I wrote that this card is not about a particular love interest in your life but…

  • Astrology - Community - Miscellaneous - Natural Harmony - Witchy

    Manifesting With the October Full Moon

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly October Full Hunter Moon The first full moon of the Fall is known as the Hunter Moon. It is also sometimes called the Blood Moon, not because of a lunar eclipse but because this moon rises before the sun has fully set… casting a reddish hue on Lady Luna as she rises into the evening sky.  You may have felt another surge of energy happening around you, if not within you, due to the collective energetic pushes around the world. The uprisings, the revolutions, the intense power-struggles are A LOT so if you’re feeling affected,…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous - Witchy

    Astrology for Introspection: Find your own patterns and make your own meaning

    By Montine Rummel, Guest Author I am loving the cultural renaissance astrology seems to be having these last few years. Discussions of planetary positions has moved from being observations my friends in the occult world make to fine tune their craft, to seemingly everyone on social media having a hot take about the aspect du jour. Sadly, it doesn’t come without some pitfalls, like capitalism exploiting this popularity and slapping zodiac signs on anything to cash in, and the increase of wrong and misleading things being shared. Despite this, I’m loving the access people have to these ancient observations to…

  • Astrology - Miscellaneous

    Lion’s Gate Portal

    Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly What is the Lion’s Gate Portal? It’s essentially an astronomical alignment of the Sun in Leo, the big bright star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the Earth that occurs at it’s peak on August 8.  While this energy is considered to be at it’s most potent on 8/8, this portal is “open” annually on or about July 26 through August 12. This celestial alignment creates an energetic “portal” or gateway that enhances our own energy and can help to give a little extra magickal juju to your workings, intentions, and manifesting. Many people receive a greater sense…