I was just updating my About section over on my personal FB page and noticed a new (?) feature called Intro. I actually have no idea how long that has been there. A week? 3 months? 20 minutes? But I digress… Anyway, I was suddenly struck by the way I was labeling myself and realized, Aha! I really do get to say whatever I want to about myself! YES! I define myself to the world, not the other way around. Here’s some of the (awesome!) labels I’ve chosen for myself: Just a little ray of sunshine! Occasional showers with a…
Mantra: I am ready to enjoy more happiness in my life. I make time for what makes me happy!
Dig deep and honor the amazing strength within you! Photo credit: Michael Powell Photography
It’s been a tough week. Go gently with yourself. Know that every person you meet is dealing with something difficult, too.
I Am Grateful 😌
This year is the year I’m focusing on transformation in my life. I’m looking to create something BIG though. Something deep. I want to go wayyyyyy beyond “lose ___ pounds blah blah blah” and instead pave a way for people of all body types -including my own- to be empowered, to feel loved, to discover their strength & true beauty. I’m not trying to be skinny again. I’m not trying to look like a supermodel or a Victoria’s Secret ad. I actually love my body as it is, but I really want to FEEL better in it. Have more flexibility,…
What if today, we each made a conscious decision to shut off the negative self-talk and transformed our thoughts into powerful actions of Love and Kindness? Try it. See what good things happen! ❤️
Wherever you find yourself on this first Monday of the new year, make a commitment to yourself to be the best YOU. Challenge yourself to do the right thing, to take the high road, to bring goodness back. Remind yourself: I Am a Good Person
Mantra: My intention is set, and for this year I am seeking out Transformation in and through my life. I am open and welcome opportunities to take my life to the next level!
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