Yesterday I had the honor of being interviewed* for the new Do It Scared podcast. The premise of the show, hosted by Danielle Schnakenberg and Liza Wilde, is to showcase all of the scary shit we choose to do in our lives; stuff that makes us feel alive, vulnerable, powerful- stuff that pushes us to become better versions of ourselves. As I was preparing for what I wanted to talk about, I was frankly blown away by all of the (not literal) fires I’ve jumped into over the years. I was struck by how much I’ve changed and grown and…
“I am open to receive” What do you want to have more of in your life? Love, joy, confidence, acceptance, inspiration? Money, power, status, success? Adventure, excitement, challenge? It’s all available to you, gift-wrapped and personalized, ready and waiting to be delivered to you. But Lovely, it’s not enough just to want it, not enough to work for it- you must be open and willing to receive it. Turn on your “OPEN” sign to the universe and see what happens next! Try this mantra: “I am open to receive.” And when it comes, remember to say Thank You. ❤️
You, my darling, are FABULOUS. In every fiber of your being, the essence of exquisitely high vibration resides. You are a Queen, a Goddess, a Diva, a Superhero, a Leader, a Visionary, a Rockstar, a Supernova. The beauty that you own, that magic that is YOU, is unmatched & unrivaled. Nobody compares to you, so don’t waste another moment comparing yourself to another. Simply love. Simply be. Simply know that today, now, here, and forever- You Are Fabulous. ❤️
It’s hard to imagine a time when technology only allowed for broadcasting images in black & white. Like Dorothy waking up in the Land of Oz, a wonderful and magical place where anything is possible, so too can we explore what it means to follow our heart’s desire and discover some amazing things along the way: Courage, Wisdom, and Love. How strange then is it when we choose to hide our true colors and live a muted, toned down, restricted life? How much more empowered would we be to face our fears and follow our hearts anyway? Today, I want…
Is your sense of calm easily upset by external factors, or have you learned how to achieve inner peace when the world around you feels chaotic? We have immense energy flowing through our body and mind at every moment of the day, and it can be overwhelming at times- especially when coupled with the energetic push and pull of people around us who may be struggling with their own life events. So much drama! But even in the most challenging situations, it is not only possible, but necessary for our sanity to settle down and find contentment. There are many…
There’s tremendous freedom in giving yourself a much-needed break, dialing things back and allowing things to be easy. Today, if you need a permission slip for a time-out, here you go: Take it easy & go with the flow. You’ll be back to hitting it hard soon enough! ~The Blessings Butterfly Click to enjoy this peaceful video for 1 minute of you time.
Adulting can be so hard sometimes, AMIRITE? Don’t worry Lovelies, you can do this! Whether you are trying to get yourself out of bed and back to work after a long holiday weekend or perhaps an even longer vacation break, there are a few simple things that you can do right now to make your reintegration to Responsible Adult Life a breeze. Here are my Top 5 Tips for Easing Back in After a Holiday: Re-Hydrate! Top of the list for getting your body back on point. Spending fun times with friends and family almost always revolves around food &…
Lately I’ve been thinking about how often we tend to make a task or project or process far more difficult than it needs to be. Do you ever get frustrated when: You find yourself waiting in a long line and the person at the front is placing an unnecessarily complex order? Or… The person carrying out your service request is reciting back a time consuming list of company policies? Or… You are trying to find basic information on a website and it is nowhere obvious? Or… The assembly or installation instructions for a new product make NO sense to you…
Did you know that you have tremendous power to make choices and changes in your own life? It’s true! Our minds are incredibly powerful and give us the ability to shape how we perceive and respond to our daily circumstances. Regardless of what type of person you consider yourself to be, we all get to choose our attitude. Even in challenging and difficult circumstances or seasons of life, we can choose to be joyful. This is not to say that we will never experience bad things, or feel sad sometimes, or need to take a time-out to recharge our emotional…
Stay Focused.
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