How many times have you talked yourself out of following a dream or pursuing the life that you want to live? How often does the phrase “I can’t because ______” come out of your mouth when what you really want is to just do the thing? Fear often holds us back from doing really stupid and dangerous things, which is not bad. The problem comes when Fear decides it wants to control everything and prevents us from going after the awesome things we really want in life. That’s where our limiting beliefs about ourselves are born, where they grow, and…
Today is Beautiful! Tune in to the beauty all around you, the beauty within you, and extend beauty in small, simple acts of love & gratitude to every being on your path today. ❤️ You are Beautiful!
You are a dreamer of beautiful dreams! The dreams that live in your heart are no joke. They chose you specifically, and are worth following. It doesn’t matter if they don’t make sense to anyone else; they aren’t supposed to, because they are meant for you. They are a glittering gift, perfectly designed to ignite your deepest passions and fill you with unmatchable delight. Your dreams, if you decide to follow them, will challenge and shape and fulfill you in ways you could not imagine! Do not think for a minute that they won’t. That dream inside you today, that…
My first time writing one of these “Friday Faves” was to feature my friend Mikey, a dear friend, talented musician, and gifted photographer. He was the Luke Skywalker to my Princess Leia, a beautiful and gentle soul with a heart of fire and gold. He was supportive of my work and always had kind, encouraging words for me- really, for everyone he came in contact with. Every gorgeous photo of me on here I owe to him. When my father died, I gave his cool old cameras and gear to Mike and he was so stoked. Our last photo shoot, just…
Dig deep today, Love. Deeper still. Take a few minutes to get grounded, get centered, and decide to go through your day firmly rooted in your power. Your power comes from deep within. It is the essence of all creation, the foundation of all that is, all that ever was, and all that is yet to be. The power that fuels you is eternal and cannot be undone by the temporary. Can you sense it? Awaken and tune in: Do you feel it? As you move through your day, discern what is temporary and what is eternal. Today, Love,…
Sometimes you come across a person who exudes such compassion, kindness, peacefulness and genuine love for others that it makes you pause and wonder: How did they get to this place? Such is the case with my friend Rachel. She and I connected online through an exercise challenge; she lives in Wales, I am in the US. The energy and support within this online group was AMAZING. Truly supportive and really beautiful! The challenge ended, but several (hundred) of us, mostly women, wanted to remain connected so Rachel soon formed a spin-off group that kept the conversations and support going.…
Come join the Facebook Live chat today on The Blessings Butterfly at 11am Pacific Time where I will talk about today’s Monday Mantra: “Forgiveness paves the path to a place of inner peace.”
Today I did something way out of my comfort zone that I’ve envisioned doing for a while, but had been too scared to attempt. It was one of those things that I really wanted to do, but kept talking myself out of by mentally postponing it. “I’ll do that when I have more time/lose some weight/am stronger/blah blah blah.” You ever play that game with yourself? The one where fear wins and desire loses? Yeah. That game sucks! Anyway- in my role as an empowerment expert, I am all about encouraging people to keep reaching for their big dreams by…
On September 1, I started my 30 Day Challenge which included a 10 minute daily walk, daily gratitude journaling, and eliminating certain foods from my daily diet (no sugar, dairy, grains, or alcohol). Aside from the total of 5 days of planned travel in which I released my food restrictions (4 in NOLA, 1 in Vegas), I was able to stick to my Challenge in all three areas! I’m feeling pretty accomplished and I have to say, pretty darn proud of myself. On this final day of my Challenge, here are my observations: This wasn’t about counting calories or weight…
Do you realize that you have the power to change your life? Yes- you totally do! You do not have to stay stuck in negativity. You can create a powerful mindset shift that will lead you to a more positive, powerful, and joyful life. Whenever fear and doubt start clouding your thoughts and drawing you down into a dark place mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, there is no better time to dare to reach out. Whether you prefer prayer, meditation, EFT/tapping, or talk therapy with a professional therapist- you have access to a universe filled with positive energy. Tapping into that…
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