When you begin to change your mind about what you are capable of, what you deserve, and what you want from your life – you will begin to experience a shift. You begin to sense the incredible and limitless power available to all of us. Power to change harmful habits into healthful ones. Power to replace Hate with Love. Power to move beyond a place of fear, of apathy, or of complacency and into a place of great joy. Today, remind yourself that you are unlimited in your potential!
The quickest way I know how to get myself out of negative thinking and raise my vibes to a higher state of Love & Light is to speak in positive affirmations. We believe what we tell ourselves, so let’s make it good! It is the tool I use daily to get back into my sunny, happy place- especially after going through tough emotions that can leave me feeling otherwise drained, or scared, or insecure. Today, I encourage you to pour yourself a big glass of positivity and drink it in! You deserve to feel good!
In a world that seems to be going crazy, now more than ever we need to shine a bright light of hope. Hope for better days. Hope for peaceful resolutions. Hope for justice. Hope for goodness, civility, and understanding to be valued and upheld. With Hope, we can become the Hero that our childhood self needed, and still needs today. With Hope, we can overcome the ugliest evils of hatred, ignorance and apathy by bringing them to light. With Hope, we can rise up in Love and Light and Strength that shines brightly. Remember this: Darkness is only overcome…
I’m going LIVE next week! What?! At the beginning of 2016, I settled on the word TRANSFORMATION as my word of the year. Let me tell you, it has been an amazing focal point for me! This one little word is having such an impact on me and has been a catalyst in spurring me on my dream path. I know that transforming my own limiting beliefs and fears into positive, powerful, and uplifting mantras is the key to creating the life I want to live- and empowering & inspiring others to do the same. Earlier this year, I began…
I’m choosing today to get myself back into a positive groove, to let go of negativity and fears and focus instead on what I want. Our lives are too precious to waste hiding ourselves away. Don’t settle for existing, LIVE! Follow those dreams! Challenge yourself! Step out boldly! My mantra for today is a reminder of the three things that allow me to succeed and reach my goals. Such an empowering affirmation: I am strong. I am fearless. I am ready for good things.
In this special Liberty Edition (it is Independence Day here in the US) it seems fitting to me to focus once again on gratitude. I am more than grateful, actually. I love my life and I want more & more of it! I want to enjoy and feel and dream, explore and create and love. And the magical thing is this: the happier I am with who I am, the more I truly enjoy where I’m at in life. I’m grateful for where I am and despite any disappointment or pain, I Love My Life!
The funny thing about being known as a “happy person” or a “positive person” is that when (not IF) something triggers the ugly feelings to come up, or you are having a rough day, or you just want to hide yourself away from the rest of the world for a hot minute- you tell yourself that you can’t do that. Or maybe someone, well-meaning or otherwise, tells you that you can’t do that. Somehow, somewhere along the path you were told or shown that it’s not OK to not be OK. Somehow, somewhere along the path you were told or…
My body loves to move! It loves to walk, wiggle, jiggle, skip, stretch, dance, sway, and sashay. It loves to stroll, roll, slide, swim, shimmy, stomp, step, soar and so much more! Today, to the best of your ability, give your body permission to have fun. Release any stagnant energy and refresh yourself with a good stretch. Move in ways that feel good to you. Work up a sweat. Appreciate your muscles doing their thing, supporting you in complete freedom. Movement feels so good!
Happy Solstice, Loves! Here in the Northern Hemisphere it is the first day of summer, and being a Southern California girl, for me that means pure magic and l-o-v-e. ❤️ The warmer weather naturally makes me want to wear fewer (and lighter) clothes. Bare arms! Fluttery skirts! Swimwear! Booty shorts! …Okay, that last one stays indoors and only in front of the cats and/or the boyfriend. Now, I realize this is easier wished for than done when you are dealing with body image issues- something until recently I struggled with most of my life. I’ve done the work of going…
All over this beautiful world, there are dark waves of sadness, tragedy, pain and suffering. I believe that at the roots of these is a bitter and stagnant pool of hatred, ignorance and apathy. It would be easy to give up, to stop caring, to give in. But there is another way. A more challenging & rewarding way. A more excellent way. A more powerful & beautiful way. I choose to stand on the side of Love, and I invite you to stand with me. Today and everyday, I Choose Love.
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