The moral of the story is not to wait for your life’s conditions to be perfect. Do the things and have the fun TODAY and every “today” that follows! ❤️
I’m facing down one of the scariest weeks of my life, or so it feels like. I’m launching my new program next week, and it’s down to the last few days to finish shooting and editing videos, being completely real and raw and vulnerable in them. My face. My body. My voice. My message. The voice of self-doubt has been nagging and trying to sideline me for days, the butterflies in my belly feel more like dragons, and procrastinating seems like a viable option. But not today. Today, I will face my fears- of rejection, of harsh criticism, of failure- and…
Today’s mantra is all about confidence. Take yourself to the next level up in your health, your practice, your education, your career, or your passion project. Mantra: I am ready to go to the next level.
With every goal, there are obstacles along the way. Do not be discouraged but instead seize each opportunity to dig deep and believe in yourself. You can accomplish whatever you set out to achieve! Mantra: Today is a great day to believe in myself.
The best leap of faith you can take is believing in yourself. You’ve got this!
Hey Gorgeous, You know better than anyone else what your heart’s desire is, and only you can follow the path that leads to YOUR happy place. You can bring others with you, but you must lead the way! Mantra: I believe in my dreams, and I will follow my heart. ❤️
I love all living things and am awed by the magic of the natural world. I do my best to show kindness and caring to people, animals, plants and the planet. Consciousness is cool, pass it on! ❤️ <3
Removing the mental blocks that we face is important to moving forward. Sometimes it feels scary to try something new, and that’s when the internal critic starts trash-talking us, pointing to past failures or creating fear-based scenarios. ENOUGH already! Empower yourself today by introducing this mantra: “I will decide what works best for me. I make great choices.”
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