“I am open to receive” What do you want to have more of in your life? Love, joy, confidence, acceptance, inspiration? Money, power, status, success? Adventure, excitement, challenge? It’s all available to you, gift-wrapped and personalized, ready and waiting to be delivered to you. But Lovely, it’s not enough just to want it, not enough to work for it- you must be open and willing to receive it. Turn on your “OPEN” sign to the universe and see what happens next! Try this mantra: “I am open to receive.” And when it comes, remember to say Thank You. ❤️
It’s hard to imagine a time when technology only allowed for broadcasting images in black & white. Like Dorothy waking up in the Land of Oz, a wonderful and magical place where anything is possible, so too can we explore what it means to follow our heart’s desire and discover some amazing things along the way: Courage, Wisdom, and Love. How strange then is it when we choose to hide our true colors and live a muted, toned down, restricted life? How much more empowered would we be to face our fears and follow our hearts anyway? Today, I want…
Lately I’ve been thinking about how often we tend to make a task or project or process far more difficult than it needs to be. Do you ever get frustrated when: You find yourself waiting in a long line and the person at the front is placing an unnecessarily complex order? Or… The person carrying out your service request is reciting back a time consuming list of company policies? Or… You are trying to find basic information on a website and it is nowhere obvious? Or… The assembly or installation instructions for a new product make NO sense to you…
Did you know that you have tremendous power to make choices and changes in your own life? It’s true! Our minds are incredibly powerful and give us the ability to shape how we perceive and respond to our daily circumstances. Regardless of what type of person you consider yourself to be, we all get to choose our attitude. Even in challenging and difficult circumstances or seasons of life, we can choose to be joyful. This is not to say that we will never experience bad things, or feel sad sometimes, or need to take a time-out to recharge our emotional…
No life is immune to facing tough experiences and hard days. It’s the stuff that strips away our bullshit and allows us to refocus on what truly matters: Love. Kindness. Caring. Strength of Character. Honesty. Compassion. Trust. It’s okay to acknowledge that some days are harder than others, and if you are having a particularly hard day it’s okay to be gentle with yourself. Whatever hard things you are facing today, my friend, please don’t give up. Reassess, yes. Regroup, yes. Relax & Recharge, yes! But never, ever give up on yourself. Reach out and know that your tribe is…
I was able to sneak away this past weekend for a sweet rendezvous with my beloved. Every moment together, wherever we are and whatever we may be doing, there is just so much love and so much joy between us. It’s the kind of special that I’ve wanted to experience for my whole life, and I’m forever grateful that I get to feel it now. I recognize the privilege I’ve had for the past 3+ years, and now that I’m in it, I honestly never want it to end. It’s just so sweet! Love & Joy are not exclusive to…
Whatever circumstances you may have to face today, today is an awesome day to be alive. Shift your perspective and look for the gifts in every situation (Hint: some are hidden, others more obvious) and celebrate this Awesome Day! Mantra: Today is going to be an Awesome Day
I may be The Blessings Butterfly and love to share the bright side of things, but even I get scared sometimes. Yesterday I was overwhelmed by a nasty case of fear and self-doubt. My ego was so scared, so intimidated by the BIG goals that I’ve set that it became downright ugly. I felt that old familiar panic rising in my chest, my eyes wide and filled with tears, my speech jumbled and angry and peppered with swear words. Oh, did I forget to mention that I was sitting in a restaurant at dinner with my boyfriend at the time…
When you begin to change your mind about what you are capable of, what you deserve, and what you want from your life – you will begin to experience a shift. You begin to sense the incredible and limitless power available to all of us. Power to change harmful habits into healthful ones. Power to replace Hate with Love. Power to move beyond a place of fear, of apathy, or of complacency and into a place of great joy. Today, remind yourself that you are unlimited in your potential!
The quickest way I know how to get myself out of negative thinking and raise my vibes to a higher state of Love & Light is to speak in positive affirmations. We believe what we tell ourselves, so let’s make it good! It is the tool I use daily to get back into my sunny, happy place- especially after going through tough emotions that can leave me feeling otherwise drained, or scared, or insecure. Today, I encourage you to pour yourself a big glass of positivity and drink it in! You deserve to feel good!
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