Mantra: Pray for Peace, then Practice Living Peacefully. Creating a more peaceful world will always begin with you. Ask yourself if your words and actions are helping to create more peace in your relationships, or if they are not. Start with yourself. If your words and actions are not creating more peaceful relationships, what are they doing? They are instead creating more drama, more anxiety, more disruption, more apathy. Pray or meditate about how you can create more peace within yourself (the first relationship) and then how you can extend it to the people around you. By living in peace…
Mantra: I Am Creating A Beautiful Life The work that we do each day to actively, intentionally shift our mindset from negative, doom-and-gloom, worst case scenario to a more positive, bright-and-shiny, best possible outcome is powerful and scientifically proven to create new neural pathways in our brains. It is true that what we think about and focus our attention on is what shapes our reality, and by being open to the possibility of good things happening in our lives we literally create space in our minds for positive energy to grow! Though we may not be able to control external…
Every day is a day worthy of giving thanks for. Even in the hardest of times and in the most challenging circumstances, even in sadness, even in disappointment, there is always something to be grateful for. You may have to dig deeper or look out farther, but treasure is there. On the days when praise comes easily, be generous with your attitude of gratitude. Allow that positivity to flow through you and out to everyone around you. Share stories that are uplifting, smile, speak words of kindness and hope. Be a little lighthouse in a dreary world. On the days…
[ctt template=”5″ link=”EWQ2u” via=”yes” ]You can be both a Lover and a Fighter. @Blsng_Butterfly[/ctt] You can be both a Lover and a Fighter. You can choose to reach out and build bridges of understanding, safety, compassion and caring while taking a firm & clear stance against fear-based things like bigotry, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, and sexism. This is a call to action, not a call to violence. This is a call to take actions that bring you into alignment with your ideals. This is a call to take the highest road and choose the most excellent path. This is a call…
Today’s Monday Mantra is a question instead of an affirmation or a statement. It’s the most important question you can ask yourself: Is this what Love looks like? Because we are created from Love, fueled by Love, and searching our whole lives to connect with Love, it’s the single most important truth to live out each and every day. It’s the most important question to ask ourselves whenever there is doubt about our thoughts, our actions, or choices- or following the actions of others. Is this what Love looks like? Live Love. Show Love. Demonstrate Love. Speak Love. Support Love.…
How many times have you talked yourself out of following a dream or pursuing the life that you want to live? How often does the phrase “I can’t because ______” come out of your mouth when what you really want is to just do the thing? Fear often holds us back from doing really stupid and dangerous things, which is not bad. The problem comes when Fear decides it wants to control everything and prevents us from going after the awesome things we really want in life. That’s where our limiting beliefs about ourselves are born, where they grow, and…
You are a dreamer of beautiful dreams! The dreams that live in your heart are no joke. They chose you specifically, and are worth following. It doesn’t matter if they don’t make sense to anyone else; they aren’t supposed to, because they are meant for you. They are a glittering gift, perfectly designed to ignite your deepest passions and fill you with unmatchable delight. Your dreams, if you decide to follow them, will challenge and shape and fulfill you in ways you could not imagine! Do not think for a minute that they won’t. That dream inside you today, that…
Dig deep today, Love. Deeper still. Take a few minutes to get grounded, get centered, and decide to go through your day firmly rooted in your power. Your power comes from deep within. It is the essence of all creation, the foundation of all that is, all that ever was, and all that is yet to be. The power that fuels you is eternal and cannot be undone by the temporary. Can you sense it? Awaken and tune in: Do you feel it? As you move through your day, discern what is temporary and what is eternal. Today, Love,…
Come join the Facebook Live chat today on The Blessings Butterfly at 11am Pacific Time where I will talk about today’s Monday Mantra: “Forgiveness paves the path to a place of inner peace.”
Do you realize that you have the power to change your life? Yes- you totally do! You do not have to stay stuck in negativity. You can create a powerful mindset shift that will lead you to a more positive, powerful, and joyful life. Whenever fear and doubt start clouding your thoughts and drawing you down into a dark place mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, there is no better time to dare to reach out. Whether you prefer prayer, meditation, EFT/tapping, or talk therapy with a professional therapist- you have access to a universe filled with positive energy. Tapping into that…
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