Earlier this week I wrote about struggling with discouragement and how important it is to reach out to your “cheer squad” when you need a boost. In doing so, I realized that empowerment comes from within AND from outside- by continually investing in positive, affirming relationships with ourselves and our closest friends. Here’s to all of you encouragers out there! You are awesome!
I’ve always been a natural cheerleader- minus the gymnastic skills and ability to do those Russian splits. Upbeat personality? Check. Big… um, lungs? Check. Contagious enthusiasm, team spirit, and a passing love of sports? Check, check, and check! Failed to make the high school drill team, cheer & song squads? Sadly, yes, check. I KNOW. I was devastated! And I definitely had a broken heart & a bitter taste in my mouth for a while after the tryouts ended. I was sure that I just wasn’t pretty or popular enough to break through the high school cliques, and that hurt.…
I love all living things and am awed by the magic of the natural world. I do my best to show kindness and caring to people, animals, plants and the planet. Consciousness is cool, pass it on! ❤️ <3
This is not a post about Valentine’s Day …or Single Awareness Day. It’s just about Love. Love- it’s the essence of life, that sparkle that unites our collective souls, an energetic vibration of the highest & purest truth. Whenever I speak, think, feel, or act from a place of Love- I am perfectly aligned with The Divine. It feels right, and good, and perfect. It’s beautiful! It takes some practice. It means that I have to be mindful, not just reactive. And it is definitely not always easy, but it is always the right choice. Mantra: I do all things…
Has anyone told you today that you are amazing? Because my dear- you are. Some days we feel anything but amazing, but that doesn’t diminish the fact that we are- every single one of us- AMAZING. I hope you aren’t feeling less-than today. If you are, please know that this world needs YOU and is much better, brighter, smarter, sexier, funnier, and more beautiful because of you. Believe it. Live it. Share it! XO
Mantra: I am Kind to Myself. Remember to always be kind to yourself. You’re doing the best that you can!
Break through the wall of negativity today! Mantra: I don’t have to stay stuck in negativity. I choose to break free!
I was just updating my About section over on my personal FB page and noticed a new (?) feature called Intro. I actually have no idea how long that has been there. A week? 3 months? 20 minutes? But I digress… Anyway, I was suddenly struck by the way I was labeling myself and realized, Aha! I really do get to say whatever I want to about myself! YES! I define myself to the world, not the other way around. Here’s some of the (awesome!) labels I’ve chosen for myself: Just a little ray of sunshine! Occasional showers with a…
Mantra: I am ready to enjoy more happiness in my life. I make time for what makes me happy!
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