The Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, is a time of balance, renewal, and new beginnings. The day and night are equal, marking the transition from winter’s introspection to spring’s vibrant energy. It’s the perfect time to honor nature, refresh your spirit, and manifest growth! Here are 10 fun and witchy ways to celebrate this magical seasonal shift: 1. Sunrise Gratitude Ritual Wake up early and greet the rising sun, symbolizing new beginnings. Stand outside, close your eyes, and feel the warmth on your skin. Speak your gratitude out loud or write it in your journal. This simple practice aligns…
By Tracy Neely, Guest Contributor There’s a spark inside of you and we all see it. Do you? Life has a way of sometimes masking our light underneath beliefs, thoughts, and life circumstances that keep us from feeling grounded in our desires. We are just past the halfway point for 2021. What is life showing you right now? Is it in alignment with your desires? As we experience life and everything that comes with that, I want to share a grounding practice with you that can activate your root energy center and stimulate a remembrance of what matters to you,…
On this rare rainy day, I thought I’d share a little stream of consciousness from my meditation this morning, edited to include punctuation. Rainfall is so rare here. I love the way it sounds and the way it smells. When it falls at night, I sleep so deeply and peacefully. In the quiet of morning, I love to open the window a bit and just… listen, pausing in gratitude for even just a few moments. Grateful that I have warmth, and shelter, and a hot cuppa in my hand. Recognizing the incredible privilege in these simple things. Remembering when I…
Ohhhhh my goodness, she’s coming along! Just 47 days away from starting life in our first home together, a beautiful brand new build that we’ve worked so hard to manifest. I find myself in a weird space of extreme excitement & gratitude for what is unfolding in my life, while also feeling deeply saddened for the losses so many are suffering from the California wildfires. I’m reminded that we humans are complex beings and that there is peace in finding the balance between opposing emotions, feeling both fully. 💖 + 💔. Hug your favorite people today and send love to…
Michelle Lewis, The Blessings Butterfly A Samhain Blessing Samhain is an ancient, pre-Christian Celtic festival to celebrate the end of the summer, the final harvest before winter sets in. It is traditionally marked by bonfires, and corresponds with a time of honoring the spirits of the dead. Rituals may include a dancing, feasting, nature walks, ancestral altars, and/or a silent supper to remember loved ones who have passed beyond the veil of the living. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, October 31 marks the start of Samhain (which can be tricky to pronounce- “Sow [like cow] In” or “Soh Een”…
My simple prayer for us all today: “May you see all the Beauty today.” 💖🦋 Do you make it a point to regularly observe Beauty? Not to objectify it, but to actually see the Beauty that is in and around you, and in everyone? It’s a powerful practice of positivity that has helped me to heal some pretty deep wounds over my *many* years on the planet. Even if you have your shit together, I invite you to take time today to look and see Beauty. Celebrate it! Share it! Ugly Truth: It’s not at all hard to see the…
A meditation for your New Moon rituals, to be a blessing on the Dark Moon. Breathe Deeply, slowly exhale. Relax your shoulders and your jaw, release your grasping hold on it all: the words unspoken, the painful rejections, the deafening screams, the critical eyes, the shaking fists, the white hot tears. Let all of the accusations and pointed words fall to the ground beside you. Release the need to be Right, the need to be Wrong. Just… Be. Feel yourself releasing the pain, the anger, the hurt, the sorrow, the guilt, the shame, the agony, the disbelief, the weight, the…
Our emotional connections
The Long Winter’s Night, Winter Solstice (northern hemisphere) gifts us with the shortest amount of daylight. In this typically hectic time of year, it’s an invitation to choose to set down your stress and burdens in exchange for a little more peace, a little more quiet, a little more rest. Instead of trying to cram in MORE more more in less time, Why not shut it down a little early tonight and gift yourself with a hard reset? Enjoy a little longer glimpse of the star-filled night sky, the twinkling lights of the holidays, or even a little extra pillow…
Loves, I hope you will be blessed by my Mini Meditation for you! You can take this mindful break just about anywhere when you need to relieve some stressful emotions and find peace. Note: This first appeared back in July, but I think it can be a blessing to you again today. 💖🦋 Pause. Deep breath, slowly release. Assign a color, shape, or name to the feeling of anxiety that is stressing you out. Deep breath, slowly release. Do not judge this feeling, simply see it. Deep breath, slowly release. Visualize your anxious feeling next to a door. What does…
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